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>> Last Update: 10/20




For decades, stretching from the 30s through the 70s, the Western comics genre stood proud against all others. All the elements that made super-hero comics such a fan favorite were intact in these books, except without the super-powers. But against the backdrop of the American West and its deserts and prairies, the heroes called cowboys rode tall in the saddle, and their exploits were no less artistically worthy of Masterworks than their brethren with capes and laser beams.

Marvel produced a legendary trio of pistol-packing cowboys, with Rawhide Kid, Two-Gun Kid, and Kid-Colt, Outlaw leading the way. They each had their start in the Marvel-50s, and sure seemed like a good proposition for a comics company finding its way out of the Wertham hearings. These cowboys were certainly a good antidote to the zombies and noir pulp that caused so much grief for publishing companies. Creators like Stan Lee, Joe Maneely and Dick Ayers set the tone for Marvel cowboys, and when the Fantastic Four burst on the scene in late 1961, Jack Kirby had already provided his considerable artistic flair to the mainline western titles for several years- and he would continue to do so right in the midst of Marvel's super-hero revival!

There were many other worthy Western titles besides the "Big Three", which you'll get a chance to understand as this page evolves and more maps are put online. Perhaps your favorite "dark horse" candidate is mapped on this page. Will we one day see a Ghost Rider Masterworks? Or Gunsmoke Western? Maybe one of Marvel's Native American titles like Apache Kid or Red Warrior? (Or how about that Annie Oakley? Va-va-voom!)

OK, Western-lovers, I hope you dig this part of MarvelMasterworks.com! This page is still under construction, so check back often to see when the next batch of maps have been uploaded.

-- by Gormuu

NOTE FROM CHRIS: The maps on this page have been compiled from many various sources, but as you will notice, there are still quite a few issues without data. If you own any of these issues with missing data, any information you can supply would be greatly appreciated by all visitors to this site. I'd love to get accurate story titles and page counts for these issues. (And if you can supply an artist credit or two, that would be the icing on the cake!) If you can help, please e-mail CLEAZER72@YAHOO.COM)



(For more detailed maps, click the individual volume links at the list on the right.)

Annie Oakley
Vol. 1: #1-11

Apache Kid
Vol. 1: #53, 2-10
Vol. 2: #11-19, Western Gunfighters #20

Arizona Kid
Vol. 1: #1-6, True Western #1-2, 3-D Tales Of The West #1

Cowboy Romances
Vol. 1: Cowboy Romances #1-3, Blaze The Wonder Collie #2-3, Rangeland Love #1-2, Cowgirl Romances #28

Vol. 2: Western Life Romances #1-2, Romances Of The West #1-2, Romantic Affairs #3, Reno Browne, Hollywood's Greatest Cowgirl #50-52

Frontier Western
Vol. 1: #1-10

Ghost Rider
Vol. 1: #1-7, Western Gunfighters #1-7

Vol. 1: Blaze Carson #1-5, Rex Hart #6-8, Whip Wilson #9

Vol. 2: Whip Wilson #10-11, Gunhawk #12-18

Gunsmoke Western
Vol. 1: All Western Winners #2-4, Western Winners #5-7, Black Rider #8-11

Vol. 2: Black Rider #12-21
Vol. 3: Black Rider #22-27, Western Tales of the Black Rider #28-31, Gunsmoke Western #32

Vol. 4: Gunsmoke Western #33-43, Black Rider #1
Vol. 5: #44-54
Vol. 6: #55-65
Vol. 7: #66-77

Kid Colt, Outlaw
Vol. 1: #1-10
Vol. 2: #11-20
Vol. 3: #21-30
Vol. 4: #31-40
Vol. 5: #41-50
Vol. 6: #51-60
Vol. 7: #61-70
Vol. 8: #71-80
Vol. 9: #81-90
Vol. 10: #91-100
Vol. 11: #101-110
Vol. 12: #111-120
Vol. 13: #121-131
Vol. 14: #132-229

Matt Slade, Gunfighter
Vol. 1: #1-4, Kid Slade, Gunfighter #5-8

Outlaw Kid
Vol. 1: #1-10
Vol. 1: #11-19
Vol. 1: #1-30

Quick Trigger Western
Vol. 1: Western Thriller #1-4, Cowboy Action #5-10
Vol. 2: Cowboy Action #11, QTW #12-19

Atlas Era Rawhide Kid
Vol. 1: #1-8
Vol. 2: #9-16

Rawhide Kid
Vol. 1: #17-26
Vol. 2: #27-36
Vol. 3: #37-46
Vol. 4: #47-58
Vol. 5: #59-69
Vol. 6: #70-80
Vol. 7: #81-99
Vol. 8: #100-115, Western Team-Up #1, reprint covers

Red Warrior/Arrowhead
Vol. 1: Red Warrior #1-6, Arrowhead #1-4

Ringo Kid Western
Vol. 1: #1-12
Vol. 2: #13-21, #1-30, Western Trails #1-2

Six-Gun Western
Vol. 1: Outlaw Fighters #1-5, Six-Gun Western #1-4, Kid From Dodge City #1-2, Kid From Texas #1-2

Texas Kid
Vol. 1: #1-10

Tex Morgan
Vol. 1: #1-9

Tex Taylor
Vol. 1: #1-9

Two-Gun Kid
Vol. 1: #1-10
Vol. 2: #11-20
Vol. 3: #21-30
Vol. 4: #31-40
Vol. 5: #41-50
Vol. 6: #51-59
Vol. 7: #60-70
Vol. 8: #71-83
Vol. 9: #84-136

Two-Gun Western
Vol. 1: #5-14
Vol. 2: Billy Buckskin #1-3, Two-Gun Western #4-12

Western Gunfighters
Vol. 1: Western Gunfighters (1956) #20 - #27, Western Gunfighters (1970) #1 - #33

Western Kid
Vol. 1: #1-9
Vol. 2: #10-17, #1-5

Western Outlaws
Vol. 1: #1-11
Vol. 2: #12-21

Western Outlaws & Sheriffs
Vol. 1: Best Western #58-59, WOAS #60-65
Vol. 2: #66-73

Wild Western
Vol. 1: #1-10
Vol. 2: #11-20
Vol. 3: #21-30
Vol. 4: #31-39
Vol. 5: #40-48
Vol. 6: #49-57

Wyatt Earp
Vol. 1: #1-10
Vol. 2: #11-20
Vol. 2: #21-29

You are visitor # 1582
Annie Oakley Apache Kid Arizona Kid

Vol. 1

Vol. 1
Vol. 2


Vol. 1
Cowboy Romances Frontier Western Ghost Rider

Vol. 1
Vol. 2


Vol. 1

Vol. 1
Gunhawk Gunsmoke Western Kid Colt, Outlaw

Vol. 1
Vol. 2

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6
Vol. 7


Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6
Vol. 7
Kid Colt, Outlaw Matt Slade,
Outlaw Kid

Vol. 8
Vol. 9
Vol. 10
Vol. 11
Vol. 12
Vol. 13
Vol. 14


Vol. 1

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Quick Trigger
Rawhide Kid Red Warrior/

Vol. 1
Vol. 2


Vol. 1
Vol. 2


Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6
Vol. 7
Vol. 8


Vol. 1
Ringo Kid Six-Gun Western Tex Morgan

Vol. 1
Vol. 2


Vol. 1

Vol. 1
Vol. 2


Tex Taylor Texas Kid Two-Gun Kid

Vol. 1

Vol. 1

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6
Vol. 7
Vol. 8
Vol. 9


Two-Gun Western Western Kid Western Outlaws/
Western Gunfighters

Vol. 1
Vol. 2


Vol. 1
Vol. 2

West. Gunfighters Vol. 1
West. Outlaws Vol. 1
West. Outlaws Vol. 2
Western Outlaws
& Sheriffs
Wild Western Wyatt Earp

Vol. 1
Vol. 2

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6


Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3

Website design by Doug Roberts and John Thomas. All images on this site are copyright of Marvel Comics. This site is for reference purposes and promotion of the Masterworks line of books as well as Marvel Comics and their properties.