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>> Last Update: 6/16/11




When many people think of Marvel's forays into horror comics, the first thing that comes to mind is the late 50s "Atomic Era" Monster Comics, which Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, and the rest of early Marvel's usual suspects pumped out in the pages of Tales of Suspense, Tales to Astonish, and Strange Worlds. In fact, a couple of those monster anthologies- Strange Tales and Journey Into Mystery- had been around since the start of the decade. Long-time readers were used to a certain product that they would no longer be getting with the turn to Atomic Monsters, so I'm sure the editorial changes came as perhaps a shock of terror and strange astonishment! While the seems a fair bet in today's Masterworks climate to expect to see many of the latter-day monsters achieve Masterworks glory, we shouldn't discount the altogether different sinister stylings of early Marvel horror.

Many of the stories found within the titles mapped herein are grounded precisely in the kind of content that made do-gooders like Dr. Fredric Wertham race off to Congress to save the children who flocked to them for thrills and chills. Zombies, witchcraft, werewolves and wacky weirdness abounded in titles like Spellbound, Suspense and Menace. These comic titles were all anthologies, keep in mind, and they exemplify perfectly the period of time when comics were in transition between the dominant periods of superheroes of the 40s and late 50s/early 60s revivals.

Many of comicdom's finest creators of the times are in the mix here, with work turned in by Stan Lee, Dick Ayers, Jerry Robinson, Joe Maneely, Bill Everett, Russ Heath, Al Williamson, and many more. With rumors that Masterworks will soon be hard-charging into genre material, such as actively pursuing Silver Age Monster material from comics like Tales of Suspense or Tales to Astonish (maps of which are covered in the Silver Age section of the maps), it is not beyond the realm of possibility that any one of these books could be covered in Masterworks! Enjoy perusing the maps found to the right of the introduction you're reading, and should one of these volumes particularly tickle the fancy of your Masterworks fandom, don't just dream about it! Drop Marvel Comics a letter and tell them about it! Or vote for it in the next Masterworks Survey.

Until you have the book in your hand, however, please enjoy this part of MarvelMasterworks.com! This page is still under construction, so check back often to see when the next batch of maps have been uploaded.

-- by Gormuu

PLEASE NOTE: Many creator credits found within the maps may not be entirely accurate. Creator credits will be updated as more accurate information comes in. All maps are preliminary and subject to change. Maps will be taken down once volumes are officially on store shelves.



(For more detailed maps, click the individual volume links at the list on the right.)

Adventure Into Mystery
Vol. 1: #1-8

Adventures Into Terror
Vol. 1: #43-44, 3-11
Vol. 2: #12-21
Vol. 3: #22-31

Adventures Into Weird Worlds
Vol. 1: #1-10
Vol. 2: #11-20
Vol. 3: #21-30

Vol. 1: #7-16
Vol. 2: #17-26
Vol. 3: #27-36
Vol. 4: #37-45
Vol. 5: #46-54
Vol. 6: #55-63

Journey Into Mystery (Pre-Code/Code)
Vol. 4: #31-40
Vol. 5: #41-49

Journey Into Unknown Worlds
Vol. 1: #36-38, 4-10
Vol. 2: #11-20
Vol. 3: #21-30
Vol. 4: #31-40
Vol. 5: #41-50
Vol. 6: #51-59

Marvel Tales
Vol. 1: Amazing Mysteries #32-33, Marvel Tales #93-99
Vol. 2: #100-109
Vol. 3: #110-119
Vol. 4: #120-129
Vol. 5: #130-139
Vol. 6: #140-149
Vol. 7: #150-159

Mystery Tales
Vol. 1: #1-11
Vol. 2: #12-22
Vol. 3: #23-33
Vol. 4: #34-44
Vol. 5: #45-54

Mystic (horror anthology)
Vol. 1: #1-11
Vol. 2: #12-21
Vol. 3: #22-31
Vol. 4: #32-41
Vol. 5: #42-51
Vol. 6: #52-61

Mystical Tales
Vol. 1: #1-8

Vol. 1: #1-9
Vol. 2: #10-18
Vol. 3: #19-26
Vol. 4: #27-34

Strange Tales (Pre-Code/Code)
Vol. 5: #41-50
Vol. 6: #51-60
Vol. 7: #61-70

Strange Stories of Suspense
Vol. 1: Rugged Action #1-4, SSS #5-8
Vol. 2: #9-16

Strange Tales of the Unusual
Vol. 1: #1-11

Vol. 1: #1-10
Vol. 2: #11-20
Vol. 3: #21-39

Uncanny Tales
Vol. 1: #1-10
Vol. 2: #11-20
Vol. 3: #21-29
Vol. 4: #30-38
Vol. 5: #39-47
Vol. 6: #48-56

World of Fantasy
Vol. 1: #1-10
Vol. 2: #11-19

World of Mystery
Vol. 1: #1-7

World of Suspense
Vol. 1: #1-8

You are visitor # 1224
Adventure Into
Adventures Into
Adventures Into
Weird Worlds

Vol. 1


Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3


Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Astonishing Golden Age
Journey Into Mystery
Journey Into
Unknown Worlds

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6

Vol. 4
Vol. 5


Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6


Marvel Tales Menace Mystery Tales

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6
Vol. 7




Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Mystic (Horror) Mystical Tales Spellbound

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6


Vol. 1

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4


Strange Stories
of Suspense
Strange Tales Strange Tales
of the Unusual

Vol. 1
Vol. 2

Vol. 5
Vol. 6
Vol. 7


Vol. 1
Suspense Uncanny Tales World of Fantasy

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6


Vol. 1
Vol. 2
World of Mystery World of Suspense

Vol. 1

Vol. 1



Website design by Doug Roberts and John Thomas. All images on this site are copyright of Marvel Comics. This site is for reference purposes and promotion of the Masterworks line of books as well as Marvel Comics and their properties.