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Ever wonder why some of us over on the Masterworks Messageboards are always joking around about Millie the Model Masterworks? Well guess what, we're not joking! As you can tell from looking at the sheer number of volumes we have listed, there is a massive amount of Millie material that is just waiting to be Masterworked, so it's obvious to us that Marvel needs to get off their duffs and get to work on those Millie volumes. Patsy Walker (and her various friends) has a ton of material to get through too. So time's a-wastin' folks, we need to get started on those Millie and Patsy lines, and it needs to be soon. How can we be up on the latest fashions if we don't have our Millie and Patsy Masterworks, I ask you?

OK, coming back down to reality a little bit, it's one thing to expect 30 or so Batman Archives to be have been released by the next decade, and quite another to think we'll get even one or two of the fabled Millie or Patsy Masterworks. But that isn't to say there isn't the demand! A select group of discriminating Marvel Maniacs would love to see these books, if only to dig those fabulous fashions the girls would show off in their monthly allotment of pages. (And don't forget, every Patsy Walker Masterworks tells the story of our favorite Hellcat! Meow!)

Did you know that comics used to be for kids? Imagine that, huh? Well, strange as that may sound, it's true. Back during World War II, Timely didn't just put out superhero comics, they also put out lots of classic comedy comics. It started out with series like Krazy Komics and Terry Toons, and soon grew into a whole line starring Super Rabbit, Ziggy Pig and Silly Seal, and even Mighty Mouse (a licensed feature Timely/Marvel had the honor of publishing!)

Later on, to capitalize on the success of Archie Comics, they ventured into teen comics. A lot of their characters crossed over from one series to another, including Georgie, Patsy, Frankie, Hedy, Millie, Nellie, Tessie, and Sherry. These characters starred in comics that resided somewhere between comedy and romance. At the end of the decade, though, Marvel jumped headlong into true romance comics, and a few of those lasted throughout the 50's. These comics are where legends like John Romita honed their craft, turning out page after page of gorgeous women. But nothing can beat the internal monologues of the main characters of these comics. You think Peter Parker has issues? Get a load of some of the thought bubble dialogue in "My Own Romance!"

So, have you ever asked yourself "Was I Really Boy Crazy?", "Can I Forget You?", or "Can Too Much Ambition Spoil a Marriage?" Have you ever thought to yourself "I Was Tied To My Parents' Apron Strings", "I Was the Kind of Girl He Wouldn't Marry", "I Was a Blonde Outcast", or "I Was Whistle Bait"? Well, if questions and thoughts like these have been weighing on your mind, then you have come to the right place. All of these questions and more were answered when Marvel started publishing true romance comics at the end of the 40's. Some of them proved so popular that they lasted throughout the entire following decade. So don't worry, you're not the only one who's asked themselves those questions. Just remember that "Wallflower Is an Ugly Word!" and "I Sold the Man I Loved!"

Filling out the rest of this What If? page is a bunch of odds and ends, including some nice surprises like Bible Tales for Young People, Mighty Blackstone, and Stan Lee's favorite literary moment of his career, Ziggy Pig & Silly Seal! I hope you dig it, and come to know that the history of Marvel was far more diverse than you may have ever thought it was!

-- by Cleazer and Gormuu

NOTE FROM CHRIS: The maps on this page have been compiled from many various sources, but as you will notice, there are still quite a few issues without data. If you own any of these issues with missing data, any information you can supply would be greatly appreciated by all visitors to this site. I'd love to get accurate story titles and page counts for these issues. (And if you can supply an artist credit or two, that would be the icing on the cake!) If you can help, please e-mail CLEAZER72@YAHOO.COM)



(For more detailed maps, click the individual volume links at the list on the right. All maps are preliminary and subject to change.)

Vol 1: #1-7
Vol 2: 8-12, Jeanie Comics #13-17
Vol 3: Jeanie Comics #18-27

Bible Tales For Young People
Vol 1: Bible Tales For Young Folk #1-2, 3-5, World's Greatest Songs #1

Cindy Comics
Vol 1: #27-38, Cindy Smith #39-40

Comedy Comics
Vol 1: #12-16
Vol 2: #17-24
Vol 3: #25-34
Vol 4: #1-10

Comic Capers
Vol 1: #1-6, Comics For Kids #1-2

Vol 1: #1-7, The Monkey And The Bear #1-3

Frankie Comics
Vol 1: #4-10
Vol 2: 11, Frankie and Lana #12-15, Frankie Fuddle #16-17

Funny Frolics
Vol 1: #1-5, Krazy Krow #1-3

Funny Tunes
Vol 1: #16-23

Gay Comics
Vol 1: #1, 18-28
Vol 2: #29-40

Georgie Comics
Vol 1: #1-6
Vol 2: #7-11
Vol 3: #12-16
Vol 4: #17-19, Georgie and Judy Comics #20-22
Vol 5: #23-29
Vol 6: #30-39

Girl Confessions
Vol 1: Girl Comics #1-10
Vol 2: Girl Comics #11-12, 13-20
Vol 3: #21-30
Vol 4: #31-35, Girl's Life #1-6

Hedy Of Hollywood
Vol 1: Hedy Divine Comics #22-31
Vol 2: Hedy Divine Comics #32-35, 36-41
Vol 3: #42-50, Hedy Wolfe #1

Homer Hooper
Vol 1: #1-4, Wild #1-5

Homer, The Happy Ghost
Vol 1: #1-12
Vol 2: 13-22, Adventures Of Homer Ghost #1-2, #1-4

Ideal Comics
Vol 1: #1-4, Ideal, A Classical Comic #1-5

It's A Duck's Life
Vol 1: #1-11

Joker Comics
Vol 1: #1-4
Vol 2: #5-9
Vol 3: #10-15
Vol 4: #16-23
Vol 5: #24-32
Vol 6: #33-42

Junior Miss
Vol 1: #1, 24-31
Vol 2: #32-39

Vol 1: #1-9
Vol 2: #10-18
Vol 3: #19-27

Krazy Komics
Vol 1: #1-4
Vol 2: #5-9
Vol 3: #10-18
Vol 4: #19-26, 1-2

Lana Comics
Vol 1: #1-7, Little Lana #8-9

Linda Carter, Student Nurse
Vol 1: #1-9

Little Lizzie
Vol 1: #1-5, 1-3

Little Lenny
Vol 1: #1-3, Little Aspirin #1-3, Film Funnies #1-2

Love Adventures
Vol 1: #1-7
Vol 2: #8-12, Actual Confessions #13-14

Love Romances
Vol 1: #6-16
Vol 2: #17-26
Vol 3: #27-36
Vol 4: #37-46
Vol 5: #47-56
Vol 6: #57-66
Vol 7: #67-76
Vol 8: #77-86
Vol 9: #87-96
Vol 10: #97-106

Love Tales
Vol 1: #36-45
Vol 2: #46-55
Vol 3: #56-65
Vol 4: #66-75

Vol 1: #23-33
Vol 2: #34-44
Vol 3: #45-55
Vol 4: #56-66
Vol 5: #67-76
Vol 6: #77-86

Margie Comics
Vol 1: #35-42
Vol 2: #43-49

Melvin The Monster
Vol 1: #1-6, Dexter The Demon #7

Mighty Blackstone
Vol 1: Mighty Mouse #1-4, Blackstone The Magician #2-4

Millie The Model
Vol 1: #1-10
Vol 2: #11-20
Vol 3: #21-30
Vol 4: #31-40
Vol 5: #41-50
Vol 6: #51-60
Vol 7: #61-70
Vol 8: #71-80
Vol 9: #81-90
Vol 10: #91-100
Vol 11: #101-109, Annual #1
Vol 12: #110-118, Annual #2
Vol 13: #119-127, Annual #3
Vol 14: #128-136, Annual #4
Vol 15: #137-145, Annual #5
Vol 16: #146-154, Annual #6
Vol 17: #155-163, Annual #7
Vol 18: #164-172, Annual #8
Vol 19: #173-182
Vol 20: #183-191, Annual #9
Vol 21: #192-200, Annual #10
Vol 22: #201-207, Annual #11-12

Miss America
Vol 1: Miss America Magazine #6-14
Vol 2: Miss America Magazine 15-23
Vol 3: Miss America Magazine #24-33
Vol 4: Miss America Magazine #34-43
Vol 5: Miss America Magazine #44-52, 53
Vol 6: #54-63
Vol 7: #64-73
Vol 8: #74-83
Vol 9: #84-93

Mitzi's Boyfriend
Vol 1: Mitzi #1, 2-7, Mitzi's Romances #8-10

Modeling With Millie
Vol 1: A Date With Millie #1-7 (v1), #1-3 (v2)
Vol 2: A Date With Millie #4-7 (v2), Life With Millie #8-13
Vol 3: Life With Millie #14-20, 21-23
Vol 4: #24-33
Vol 5: #34-43
Vol 6: #44-54

Molly Manton's Romances
Vol 1: Molly Manton's Romances #1, Romances Of Molly Manton #2, Loveland #1-2, Love Trails #1-2, True Life Tales #8, 2

My Friend Irma
Vol 1: #My Diary 1-2, 3-10
Vol 2: #11-20
Vol 3: #21-30
Vol 4: #31-39
Vol 5: #40-48

My Girl Pearl
Vol 1: #1-11

My Love
Vol 1: #1-4, Best Love #33-36, Actual Romances #1-2

My Love Story
Vol 1: #1-9

My Own Romance
Vol 1: My Romance #1-3, 4-11
Vol 2: #12-22
Vol 3: #23-33
Vol 4: #34-44
Vol 5: #45-55
Vol 6: #56-65
Vol 7: #66-75
Vol 8: #76, Teenage Romance #77-86

Nellie The Nurse
Vol 1: #1-10
Vol 2: #11-20
Vol 3: #21-29
Vol 4: #30-36, 1, Nurse Helen Grant #1

Oscar Comics
Vol 1: #24-26, 4-10, Awful Oscar #11-12, 13

Patsy And Hedy
Vol 1: #1-10
Vol 2: #11-20
Vol 3: #21-30
Vol 4: #31-40
Vol 5: #41-50
Vol 6: #51-60
Vol 7: #61-70
Vol 8: #71-80
Vol 9: #81-89, Annual #1
Vol 10: #90-99
Vol 11: #100-110

Patsy And Her Pals
Vol 1: #1-10
Vol 2: #11-20
Vol 3: #21-29, A Date With Patsy #1

Patsy Walker
Vol 1: #1-3, Miss America Vol 1 #2-6, Miss America Vol 2 #1-6, Miss America Vol 3 #1-6
Vol 2: #4-8, Miss America Vol 4 #1-6
Vol 3: #9-12, Miss America Vol 5 #1-6, Miss America Vol 6 #1-3
Vol 4: #13-18
Vol 5: #19-24
Vol 6: #25-30
Vol 7: #31-37
Vol 8: #38-44
Vol 9: #45-51
Vol 10: #52-60
Vol 11: #61-70
Vol 12: #71-81
Vol 13: #82-92
Vol 14: #93-103
Vol 15: #104-114
Vol 16: #115-124, Patsy Walker's Fashion Parade #1

Patty Powers
Vol 1: Della Vision #1-3, 4-7

Powerhouse Pepper Comics
Vol 1: #1-5, Komic Kartoons #1-2, Dolly Dill #1

Vol 1: #1-6, Buck Duck #1-4

Romance Tales
Vol 1: Love Dramas #1-2, Love Secrets #1-2, Romance Tales #7-9, Romance Diary #1-2

Rusty Comics
Vol 1: Kid Movie Comics #11, 12-18
Vol 2: #19-20, Rusty and Her Family #21-22, The Kellys #23-25

Secret Story Romances
Vol 1: #1-10
Vol 2: #11-20
Vol 3: #21, True Tales of Love #22-31

Sherry The Showgirl
Vol 1: #1-3, Showgirls #4, 5-7, Showgirls #1-2

Silly Tunes
Vol 1: #1-7, Animated Movie Tunes #1-2, Movie Tunes #3

Vol 1: #1-3, The Adventures Of Pinky Lee #1-5, Cartoon Kids #1, Dippy Duck #1, Marvin Mouse #1

Stories Of Romance
Vol 1: Meet Miss Bliss #1-4, 5-13

Super Rabbit
Vol 1: #1-6
Vol 2: #7-14

Teen Comics
Vol 1: All-Teen #20, 21-27
Vol 2: #28-35

Tessie The Typist
Vol 1: #1-12
Vol 2: #13-23, Tiny Tessie #24, Real Experiences #25

True Secrets
Vol 1: Our Love #1-2, 3-10
Vol 2: #11-20
Vol 3: #21-30
Vol 4: #31-40

Wacky Duck
Vol 1: Dopey Duck #1-2, 3-6, 1-2, Wonder Duck #1-3

Wendy Parker
Vol 1: #1-8

Willie Comics
Vol 1: #5-14
Vol 2: 15-19, Li’l Willie 20-21, 22-23, Willie The Wise-Guy 1

Young Hearts
Vol 1: #1-2, Cupid #1-2, Love Classics #1-2, Faithful #1-2, Honeymoon #41

Ziggy Pig And Silly Seal
Vol 1: #1-6

You are visitor # 1475
All-Surprise Comedy Comics Frankie Comics/
Georgie Comics

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4

Frankie Vol. 1
Frankie Vol. 2
Georgie Vol. 1
Georgie Vol. 2
Georgie Vol. 3
Georgie Vol. 4
Georgie Vol. 5
Georgie Vol. 6


Girl Confessions Hedy of Hollywood Joker Comics

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6


Junior Miss Kathy Krazy Komics

Vol. 1
Vol. 2

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4


Linda Carter
Student Nurse
Love Romances Love Tales/
Love Adventures

Vol. 1

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6
Vol. 7
Vol. 8
Vol. 9
Vol. 10


Love Tales Vol. 1
Love Tales Vol. 2
Love Adventures Vol. 1
Love Adventures Vol. 2
Love Adventures Vol. 3
Love Adventures Vol. 4


Lovers Millie the Model Millie the Model

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6
Vol. 7
Vol. 8
Vol. 9
Vol. 10
Vol. 11
Vol. 12


Vol. 13
Vol. 14
Vol. 15
Vol. 16
Vol. 17
Vol. 18
Vol. 19
Vol. 20
Vol. 21
Vol. 22
Vol. 23
Vol. 24
Modeling with Millie Miss America My Friend Irma

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6
Vol. 7
Vol. 8
Vol. 9


Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
My Own Romance Nellie the Nurse Patsy Walker

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6
Vol. 7
Vol. 8

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6
Vol. 7
Vol. 8
Vol. 9
Vol. 10
Vol. 11
Vol. 12
Vol. 13
Vol. 14
Vol. 15
Vol. 16


Patsy and Her Pals Patsy and Hedy Secret Story Romances/
True Secrets

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3

Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
Vol. 4
Vol. 5
Vol. 6
Vol. 7
Vol. 8
Vol. 9
Vol. 10
Vol. 11


Secret Story Rom. Vol. 1
Secret Story Rom. Vol. 2
Secret Story Rom. Vol. 3
True Secrets Vol. 1
True Secrets Vol. 2
True Secrets Vol. 3
True Secrets Vol. 4
All the Rest All the Rest All the Rest

Bible Tales Vol. 1
Cindy Comics Vol. 1
Comic Capers Vol. 1
Crazy Vol. 1
Funny Frolics Vol. 1
Funny Frolics Vol. 2
Gay Comics Vol. 1
Gay Comics Vol. 2
Homer Hooper Vol. 1
Homer the Ghost Vol. 1
Ideal Comics Vol. 1
It's A Duck's Life Vol. 1
Lana Comics Vol. 1
Little Lizzie Vol. 1
Little Lenny Vol. 1

Margie Comics Vol. 1
Margie Comics Vol. 2
Melvin the Monster Vol 1
Mighty Blackstone Vol. 1
Mitzie's Boyfriend Vol. 1
Molly Manton Vol. 1
My Girl Pearl Vol. 1
My Love Vol. 1
My Love Story Vol. 1
Oscar Comics Vol. 1
Patty Powers Vol. 1
Powerhouse Pepper Vol. 1
Riot Vol. 1
Romance Tales Vol. 1
Rusty Comics Vol. 1
Rusty Comics Vol. 2

Sherry the Showgirl Vol 1
Silly Tunes Vol. 1
Snafu Vol. 1
Stories of Romance Vol. 1
Super Rabbit Vol 1
Super Rabbit Vol 2
Teen Comics Vol. 1
Teen Comics Vol. 2
Tessie the Typist Vol. 1
Tessie the Typist Vol. 2
Wacky Duck Vol. 1
Wendy Parker Vol. 1
Willie Comics Vol. 1
Willie Comics Vol. 2
Young Hearts Vol. 1
Ziggy Pig & Silly Seal Vol. 1

Website design by Doug Roberts and John Thomas. All images on this site are copyright of Marvel Comics. This site is for reference purposes and promotion of the Masterworks line of books as well as Marvel Comics and their properties.