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> News Archive 2004 |
| NEWS ARCHIVE FOR 2003: Gormuu here, sticking my head above water while in the midst of more holiday related travel. I don't have much time, but there's a sale you just have to know about, and if I'm late to Aunt LuLu's turkey dinner later tonight, so be it! The Dynamic Forces people, same folksthat are bringing you the Dreadstar HC, are having a big-time promotion on books at their website. It's a $25 gift certficate, good for anything at all, and there is no minimum to buy! Here it is: GIFTCERT2. (Make sure you input it in all caps when you're checking out.) I myself purchased Sgt. Rock Archives for $18.92 including shipping! Go check out DYNAMIC FORCES WEBSITE to getall the details. The deadline for this is Dec. 31, so act quickly! They accept credit cards and paypal payments, so get to it! I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas...New Year's '04 is right around the corner! Don't forget THE CONTEST! The deadline is Christmas night. What do you have to lose? It's a guessing game where you can win your choice of Masterworks or Essentials! Come on, you lazy lard butts! Do something for yourself this holiday season!!! Shipping this week: Chronicles of Conan Vol. 2 TPB, Green Lantern Willworld TPB, and Supergirl Archives Vol. 2. Rumor time! From the Quesada boards, CE specialists Jeff and Jen mention the following: A second Tomb of Dracula Essentials is being looked into and it would take exactly four volumes to cover all the Drac stuff. This would certainly have to include the Dracula Lives magazine material, which is good news for vampire fans! Also, repeating something they've said before: there are no plans to reissue the Ultimate Team-Up HC! Your best bet is to track down a used copy somewhere. Those puppies sold fast, though! And finally, the CE staff at Marvel are looking into the possibility of a HC covering Waid/Weiringo Fantastic Four, to which I say: DO IT!!!!!
Welcome to New York City. Here, burning figures roam the streets, men in brightly colored costumes scale the glass and concrete walls, and creatures from space threaten to devour the planet. Witness the birth of the Marvel Universe through the eyes of the proverbial man in the street — Daily Bugle photographer Phil Sheldon — in this lush hardcover collection commemorating the 10th Anniversary of one of the comic-book industry’s all-time best-selling, critically acclaimed and fan-favorite titles. This keepsake volume features nearly 200 pages of never-before-seen bonus material — including writer Kurt Busiek’s original series proposals and scripts to all four issues. Collects MARVELS #0, 1-4, PLUS scripts and tons of special extras! This HC will bow at the list price of $49.99, but look for steep discounts from online retailers like Tales of Wonder! As a lapsed comic reader (from 1990 to 2000,) I have never read Marvels! But now I have every reason to jump in and enjoy a pivotal comic from the 90s. See you there! Also due in March is a great TPB for Avengers/Thunderbolts fans. It's called The Nefaria Protocols and it collects T'Bolts #42-44 and Avengers #31-34. One of the few floppy comics I read when I "came back to comics" was Thunderbolts, and now that it's making a comeback with its own brand new comic, Marvel is seeing fit to anthologizing some of the first run. Keep 'em coming, Marvel! NEWS UPDATE: 12-19 At the Quesada boards, Jeff Youngqvuist has revealed that the Trouble HC has been cancelled due to low sales on the floppy comic. Did you know there's a new contest up? Where you could win the Masterworks or Essentials of your choice from site sponsor Tales of Wonder? Check out the CONTEST PAGE forfull details! WHO LOVES YA BABY? NEWS UPDATE: 12-18 The Masterworks Christmas Tree is just a gag, folks! Quit calling TOW to place your order!!! Gee whiz! Here comes a big, fat, bundle of news for Hardcover lovers: Marvel has released to this site some information about upcoming books in 2004. Here's the shortlist: Best of Spider-Man Vol. 3: Amazing Spider-Man #46-58, 500 Also appearing on next year's schedule are HCs reprinting Trouble and Hulk: Gray, as well as a new Marvel Encyclopedia covering Marvel Knights. Exact release dates are unknown, so be watching this space for solicit information! For a complete list of titles and their contents, as well as links to purchase that helps support this site and message board, check out my CORNERSHOP listings. The snafu Diamond pulled on Tales of Wonder only affected their store, as it appears other stores across the country got Daredevil Vol. 1 variants in good order. TOW customers have gotten Vol. 2 a little early, though. PERFECT HOLIDAY IDEA Tales of Wonder is stocking this tree at a cut rate of $499.99, and supplies are limited so act now! Choose 3-day priority delivery to insure having it by that special day of the year, Christmas Day! (Please note, trees are highly flammable and to be kept away from all children!) There has been another Diamond mix-up! Instead of supplying the limited variant of Daredevil Vol. 1 last week, they supplied Vol. 2! I would guess it will go exactly like Diamond handled the FF snafu a few months back- the limited variant of DD Vol. 1 will ship the week Vol. 2 is supposed to come out. If I get official word on this, I'll post it here. Dreadstar is up for pre-order at TOW! Here is THE LINK! This is a 400 page book that reprints the first 12 issues and is signed by Jim Starlin- and TOW has it for $49.99! That's $20 off list price. In other words- a great deal! NEWS UPDATE: 12-16 JULIUS SCHWARTZ HOSPITALIZED This just in, from Newsarama, which links to Harlan Ellison's message board, reports that Julius Schwartz is hospitalized in New Yorksuffering from pneumonia. The prognosis is kinda scary right now, so prayers are in order for the man who is directly responsible for much of what we love about the DC Universe. Here's some reading material that you may enjoy that highlights his significance to comics history. DC's March solicits are in! And here's a list of what's to be found there: * Batman in the 40's TPB With their 2004 slate, it seems DC is really being generous with filling out already established series. This is good news for fanswho want to see more of their favorites, especially when it's going to be balanced with premiere volumes for long-awaited books for Adam Strange and Sandman! Keep up the good work, DC! NEWS UPDATE: 12-15 Shipping this week: Absolute Danger Girl HC and Plastic Man Lost Annual #1. For many, this week is a breather! Ace Reporter DanaMania (aka Dana P) turns in this interview with Marvel's Jeff Youngquist for BLAMMO! World News Service: DanaP: We want more John Byrne FF reprints. What's up with that? DanaP: We want more Thor Simonson books. What's up with that? DanaP: It bugs me to have to deal with the differences between Thor Visionaries Vol. 1 and the followup Legends books. The titles of the books and trade dress are very different. They should be the same. And the first volume has that screwy page mixup. That should be fixed. What's up with that? DanaP: The people demand Simonson's Balder the Brave to be reprinted alongside the Thor material. What's up with that? DanaP: Finally, the people are tired of not getting their fix of Thor HCs. What's up with that? NEWS UPDATE: 12-8 The 2003 Masterworks Survey is over! Whew!!! That sure was fun! Now the REAL fun begins. Tabulating all those numbers and makingsense of all the numbers is merely the next task that lays before me. Wish me luck! Thanks to all who partook (is that even a word?!?!?) and keep your eyes peeled to this space in about three weeks, when I hope to unveil the results. But of course, when it's done, it's done. I make no promises!!! Shipping this week: 2 Masterworks! Daredevil Vol. 1 and Spider-Man Vol. 4! How about that? Also, DC is shipping the America's Best Comics TPB and Ultimate X-Men HC Vol. 3 bows. Fans of Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon hardcover series are in for sad news. Mr. Larsen has pulled the plug. In an email reply to me he stated his reasons why: At this point hardcovers have put me thousands of dollars in debt. Since a few of the books are sold out--it's impossible for a reader to "collect 'em all." The orders we get on these is minimal at best. Keeping a large number of books in print is a huge investment. It costs a lot to print the books and it takes years to show a profit. In a case like mine, it will seen be close to 20 volumes of material and it's simply not economically feasible to keep them all in print in hardcover. That's too bad. There's unfinished business with this line of collected editions, so maybe someone will come in at the last minute to save the day! At any rate, congratulations to Mr. Larsen for reaching the milestone of 100 issues of Savage Dragon. He reached that awhile back, and in this day and age when consistency and loyalty to a title is almost looked on with a frown, he can stand proud with this achievement. NEWS UPDATE: 12-7 Books that shipped this last Wednesday 12-3: THUNDER Agents Vol. 3, Batman: Hush Vol. 2 HC, and Avengers Masterworks Vol. 2 (Ltd. #9). Tales of Wonder is running a phenomenal sale on a select group of books. Check out the deals right here, but don't wait too long! These prices will not last forever! DD Born Again TPB $8.99 Neal Adams Batman Illustrated Vol. 1 HC is back in its second printing, and Tales of Wonder is selling them now! Click THIS LINK to get your order in if you missed the first printing. (DC sold their whole initial print run in no time flat!) The survey is closing its doors to new responses on Monday 12/8 at 9 pm. Take these last two days to get your survey in before time runs out! NEWS UPDATE: 11-26 Just heard from Marvel regarding the Marvels HC and Spider-Man 500 covers HC. Marvels is going to be a 400 page project and is going to be resolicited for March, and Spider-Man 500 is going to be resolicited for June. It's weighing in at 312 pages at this point, which if you do the math means that each cover won't be getting its own page. It also will not be the $75 beast that was initially proposed, but a slimmer, trimmer volume that will be lighter on the pocketbook. My guess is that select covers will get full-page treatment, while stretches of covers will get four on a page. I only hope they do this in chronological order. Still, this ought to be a nice commemorative project. Here's the lowdown on the Dreadstar HC! The development of this book has been shrouded in obscurity, but now things are becoming clearer. Read the solicit from Dynamic Forces: Jim Starlin’s classic Dreadstar is finally collected in Hardcover format! Over 20 years in the making and close to 400 pages of story, art and more! This beautiful Hardcover Edition is available exclusively through the comic and specialty market! Though this will be the first published volume, it is expected that the next published Dreadstar volume will amass all the pre-Epic Comic material, including the Metamorphosis Odyssey from Epic Illustrated and The Price one-shot from Eclipse. The only curiosity left is how they will number these books. Will this first volume released be numbered Vol. 1 or Vol. 2? Or will it be numbered at all? Regardless, it should be an interesting package of material that fans couldn't have guessed they'd be blessed with. I know I certainly didn't even think of such a series of books, but now I'm a happy Gormuu! This was a favorite series of mine as a lad. (Check out the MESSAGE BOARD for in-depth discussion about Dreadstar.) Dynamic Forces has it UP FOR PRE-ORDER at this very minute. They are charging the full list price of $69.99. For 400 pages of this Starlin classic, I think that's worth it. However, Joe at TOW has been very clear that they intend to stock the book at a discount, and that's probably where I'm going to purchase the book from. So if you're the nervous type, you can order from Dynamic Forces now, but if you're patient, I think Joe will have pre-order information on this book imminently. According to DF, it will begin shipping in February. Shipping on time this week: Lil Abner Frazetta Sundays HC Vol. 2, Green Arrow Archer's Quest HC, and the FF Vol. 4 Masterworks regular edition. If you'll recall, the limited edition of this book was released in a Diamond snafu a few months ago. Now, it's finally out for the regular folks! Happy Thanksgiving! I'll be down in sunny Florida to be with the folks, so don't expect much in the way of updates. Please get those surveys done if you get a chance over the holiday. The response has been incredible so far, but there's always room for more opinions to be heard! Don't be left out! NEWS UPDATE: 11-24 The first issue of the email newsletter BLAMMO! went winging its way to fans of this site! In it is the hot news of the moment regarding hardcover collected editions (and other trades when it strikes my fancy!) If you want to be in the know along with everyone else, sign up forBLAMMO! newsletter by sending me an email! Email subscribers will get hotnews delivered straight to their inbox, as well as contest announcements and other special items. BLAMMO! It's yummy AND healthy! Stock your pantry today! For those of you wondering how the survey is going, it's off to a blazing start! Thanks to everyone who is participating! And spread the word to like-minded fans. We have an open ear with Marvel, so have your voice heard! And speaking of Marvel, this just in- a news item sure to have Spidey fans crawling the walls with excitement! From Cory: "Spidey Vol. 6 is completely colored and only has a few tweaks before all the art is finalized. John Romita, Sr. will be writing the introduction. It will be solicited in the April on-sale Previews and the variant will almost definitely be solicited through Diamond Dateline to provide enough time for orders." An intro from John Romita, Sr! How about that?!?! And for those of you waiting for the limited edition dustjacket, keep your eyes peeled to this spot (or sign up for BLAMMO!) so you can get the solicit the moment it comes down! You don't wanna miss out!!!! NEWS UPDATE: 11-21 OK, Friends Of 'Ol Marvel...sharpen those pencils and I hope you got lots of sleep! Time to take the 2003 Masterworks Survey! Click the image to go to the survey, where all will be explained!!!!! HAVE FUN!!!!! Shipping on time this week: Detective Comics #27 commemorative HC, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Book 2 HC, Incredible Hulk HC Vol. 2 and Thor Masterworks Vol. 3! This brings all three volumes of Thor Masterworks into print in the new and limited trade dress! Get ready for a bunch of new books announced by DC Comics! On the Archives front, Shazam Vol. 4 is confirmed for March, as is Doom Patrol Vol. 2. And bowing in April is the relatively unexpected Batman In World's Finest Vol. 2! (Before we even see a Superman Vol. 1. Curious!) Spirit Vol. 13 will see release in April as well. There's only 30 days in that month, but it will be a busy one for hardcover collectors (don't forget Spidey Vol. 6!) Also seeing print will be Batman in the 40's TPB. Thought that great line of trades was dead, huh? Think again! I'm pretty sure this won't be the last one in the series, so if you like 'em, let DC know! NEWS UPDATE: 11-14 I've been out of town for several days, so let's get caught up! Items that shipped since the last update include Elfquest Archives Vol. 1, Sgt. Rock: Between Hell And A Hard Place HC, Uncanny X-Men Masterworks Vol. 1, Iron Man Masterworks Vol. 1, Spirit Archives Vol. 12, Art of Marvel Comics Vol. 1 HC, Marvel Encyclopedia Vol. 4: Spider-Man HC. Go get 'em folks!
The donations poured in nicely for the care package to the 173rd Airborne. I'll have the official page commemorating our efforts on site next week, as well as a plan where we can keep the giving going! A card-carrying member of BLAMMO! turned up some info from Marvel CE editor Jeff Youngquist. According to Jeff, the Spider-Man Masterworks Vol. 6 (and presumably all that follow,) WILL have the limited edition trade dress! In other words, welcome to Vol. 33, longtime Masterworks fans! I'm sure there will be a heavy sigh of relief with that news!
And finally, perhaps the biggest news I can give you right now is that the 2003 Masterworks Survey is near completion! Yes, I want you all to get your brains ready and primed to help offer up your facts and opinions on Masterworks past, present and future. Questions will revolve around the library you've compiled to present and what books you want to get in the future! The hope is that we can put together some numbers that will give a clearer idea of what the average Masterworks fan is like and what they want, and that this kind of data can perhaps inspire Marvel Comics to give us more of what we want. The survey will be unveiled sometime within the next week, and will be open for a couple weeks. So check back to this site for information. I'll have a BLAMMO! email out to those signed up for it to give you a heads up. Excited? Cool!!!! NEWS UPDATE: 10-31 Happy Halloween! Got Tomb of Dracula Essentials? Well?!?!?! The father of a soldier in the 173rd Airborne put a call out for books and reading material to supply to the unit. Darned if this website isn't going to answer that call! If you're interested in donating to the cause, check out this thread at the message boards for details on how you can help. The first batch of Masterworks is going to ship out shortly as soon as I get them in from B+N! But this could be bigger than just a single act of goodwill. Please read the the thread and give me any ideas you may have! NEWS UPDATE: 10-28 Do you want to buy Marvel Masterworks? Of course you do! Many of you have your store of choice to purchase Masterworks- perhaps your retail, mail order or online comix store, or maybe you like to buy from Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Well, word has come out, and maybe anxious Amazon shoppers have noticed, that for an indefinite period of time, Marvel is making the hardcover Masterworks available to the DIRECT MARKET ONLY! Why is this? Well, details are not exactly 100% clear, but for now Marvel feels it's best to market these deluxe books through the direct market and bypass non-direct market stores like Amazon or your local Borders or Barnes & Noble. And it will remain this way for a time longer than you're willing to wait. What this means is that if you want to get your Masterworks NOW, you need to find a good source for the books from the direct market. (You see where I'm going with this, right?) The best source I know of is site sponsor TALES OF WONDER. Not only do they match Amazon's price for these books, but they have top level mail-order service. Feel free to shop their site through my site's CORNERSHOP STORE for all your Masterworks needs. And pick up an Atom Archives and an Earth X hardcover while you're at it! Or one of them Chastity and Jade thing-a-ma-bobs. :) LATE EVENING UPDATE: Our man Bill (yeah, just Bill) has been wondering where the heck our Dreadstar HCs are! If you'll recall, there were to have been two in the fourth quarter of this year. He received an email from Dynamic Forces saying: "At this time we are looking at a December release." Shipping on time this week: Essential Tomb of Dracula and Crisis on Multiple Earths Vol. 2 TPB, as well as the already mentioned Sgt. Rock Archives Vol. 2, shipping early. NEWS UPDATE: 10-26 Shipping early this week will be Sgt. Rock Archives Vol. 2! I'd also like to take this opportunity to remind folks about the upcoming Sgt. Rock original graphic novel hardcover Between Hell And A Hard Place, a new story by Joe Kubert! This ought to be a good one, so make sure you budget for it. I've got the feature page for X-Men Vol. 1 Masterworks opened for business! Check out some work I'm mighty proud of through the Masterworks library page! NEWS UPDATE: 10-23 Check the table at the right, where I've added new hotlinks straight to site sponsors Tales of Wonder and Amazon for current hot deals! Check this space out for deals that are too good to pass up, or books that you may not have known about! I haven't added to the site in a few days since I upgraded my site capabilities, which is taking some time getting used to. I hope to have some major news and updates for you soon! But how about this one for now? Wonder Woman Vol. 4 will be January's DC Archive release! NEWS UPDATE: 10-16 A milestone is reached! The home page of this website has hit 100,000 on the ol' hit-counter! That's alot of feet shuffling around through here, and I just want to say thanks to everyone who has enjoyed this site and found it useful. Believe me, this site isn't even close to being as good as it can be, and every moment I have the time, I'm trying to make it better. It's only been up and running a couple years, but in that time I have received so many great emails from people all over the world, with thanks, encouragement and advice. I'd like to thank David Steppe of the DC Archives home page for giving me the inspiration to get this going; Bob Greenberger and Cory Sedlmeier, who have given me the straight poop from Marvel; and especially Doug Roberts, GaryUK and Scarlet Spider for doing some yeoman work on helping develop site content. One of the things this site has been very good at is giving the hot news on the collected editions front. To that end, here's a couple nuggets: It has been confirmed to me that the already announced 33rd volume of Marvel Masterworks- Spider-Man Vol. 6- has a preliminary publication date of April '04! That falls in line perfectly two months after the reissue of Vol. 5! Speculation was that we may not have seen that book until perhaps Christmas, but now with a second quarter scheduling, it leaves many more months in 2004 for possible Masterworks. I said possible! Nothing is etched in stone, so don't get your hopes up. But it sure looks positive, doesn't it? Also, Tales of Wonder has announced that they have bought out the complete remaining inventory of Graphitti Designs hardcover volumes, which includes all three Frank Miller Daredevil Visionaries, the Kevin Smith Daredevil HC, Thor Visionaries HC and Earth X. These volumes will be discounted, and Joe at TOW is throwing around a price in the range of $35 for that Earth X book! How about that for savings?!?!?! Keep your eyes peeled here for more news about this, as well as links to purchase these books! Finally, the most recent contest is closed, with board user Unknown Question winning the DC Archives of his choice for guessing the back four covers of the Atom Archives! That's another thing this site is good at- giving away free stuff that you want! (Thanks to site sponsor Tales of Wonder!) NEWS UPDATE: 10-13 Shipping this week: Spider-Man Masterworks Vol. 3, Atom Archives Vol. 2, and Man of Steel TPB Vol. 1 (Yes!) Hey hardcover fans! Keep your eyes peeled to this space for a kewl announcement regarding Graphitti Designs Marvel hardcover books! Ray the Highlander, One of the Knights of BLAMMO!, has been doing yeoman's work keeping message boarders up to date on The Complete Peanuts hardcovers being produced by Fantagraphics. Check out this thread for all the latest information! The latest Bob 'N Dale alludes to a still mysterious Charlton Ditko project in the works from DC. Just make it HC, DC! The people want it! NEWS UPDATE: 10-8 Here's an offer from site sponsor Tales of Wonder you may want to take them up on! To receive a copy, just send Paypal payment of $1 (this is the total cost including shipping) to joe@talesofwonder.com. The sampler will be mailed to your Paypal address. Orders will ship once a week from Atlanta, GA by Media Mail. Please allow 1-3 weeks for delivery. Restrictions: Payment will only be accepted via Paypal from Paypal funds (no credit cards). Shipping within the US only and can only be sent to the shipping address on file with Paypal for your account. Delivery confirmation, tracking and insurance are not provided. To receive more than one copy, send $1 per copy requested. To keep costs low, the DC Sampler will be shipped in a plain manila envelop, and may not arrive in "mint" collectible condition. Sincerely,Tricia Hovorka And as if that's not enough, you need to know about our next free DC Archives contest! Click the link on the lower left for the contest page and check it out! NEWS UPDATE: 9-30 News from the Shazam Yahoo group is that Shazam Archives Vol. 4 is to see publication in April '04! This according to P.C. Hamerlinck, who claims to have just completed the forward to the book. Moving right along....! (thanks to JJfire from thisispop for the tip!) The DC Archives Survey for 2003 is now closed! I hope you got your results in! Shipping this week: Avengers Masterworks Vol. 1, Chronicles of Conan Vol. 1 TPB, All-Star Archives Vol. 9 (a week early!), and Man of Steel TPB Vol. 2 (where's Vol. 1?) I also didn't update last week, so you may have missed on-time shipping for Tor Archives Vol. 3 and FF Masterworks Vol. 3! NEWS UPDATE: 9-17 It is that time of year. What time of year, you ask? It is that time of year for the DC ARCHIVES SURVEY! Go to THIS LINK to take part in the survey. There is a deadline of approximately ten days, so please make sure you make time to thoughtfully answer all the survey questions. If you are a fan of DC Archives to even the smallest extent, make it your duty to take part! And this is important: THE EDITORS AT DC PAY ATTENTION! They admit to using the survey results as part of their decision-making, so its results CAN influence what DC will publish. Some of you may wonder, "What about a Masterworks survey?" Ahhhh.....be patient my friend. Be patient, for soon...... News from Dark Horse is there is a slight shipping delay in Chronicles of Conan Vol. 1 hitting stores. It should be here any day now. NEWS UPDATE: 9-16 Shipping this week: New X-Men HC Vol. 2, Ultimate Spidey HC Vol. 3, Absolute Authority Vol. 2 and Sandman: Endless Nights.
One strange omissions from next week's ship list is Chronicles of Conan Vol. 1. Where is it? NEWS UPDATE: 9-13 None other than Neal Adams has checked in at this site's very own DC Archives Message Board addressing comments about the new Batman Illustrated HC. RIP Johnny Cash. While working on this site, I'm often listening to the music of the Man In Black. I share a few thoughts about him on the Off Topic board. NEWS UPDATE: 9-10 There were two contest winners in the Free DC Archives Guess the Titans Back Four, so my niece Caroline will break the tie later tonight between Scippio and GaryUK. She will pull the winner from a hat. Place your bets now! I will post the winner on the contest page later tonight, as well as the message boards! Thanks to all who participated! NEWS UPDATE: 9-9 Shipping on time this week: Thor Masterworks Vol. 2 and Silver Age Teen Titans Vol. 1. New X-Men Vol. 2 and Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 were scheduled to ship this week, but will not. Where they will ship, I am not sure. Also note that Marvel has moved the Art of Marvel Comics HC from Oct. to Nov. Absolute Authority Vol. 2 has been moved to Sept. 17. The Free DC Archives contest is now closed! Thanks for participating and a winner will be announced sometime tomorrow. NEWS UPDATE: 9-2 Shipping on time this week: Batman Illustrated: Neal Adams Vol. 1 and X-Men Vol. 3 Masterworks. GaryUK tips that at the GEORGE PEREZ WEBSITE, there is notice of a few collections fans may want to know about! Among them, confirmation of a second New Teen Titans Archives (collecting #9-17), a JLA/Avengers HC to be released shortly after the final issue, and a series of three Wonder Woman trades on the books for next year collecting the first 24 issues of his 80's run. I'll be getting all the above. NEWS UPDATE: 8-28 Happy Birthday Jack Kirby. You're 86 today. Your memory lives on, no doubt until you're double the age you are now, triple...however long we claim to have a handle on whatever is good about the culture of humanity and the creativity it is endowed with, you should be honored. You know we love you around here! For a heartfelt take on what Jack means to him, check out Mark Evanier's News From Mepage. Check out the Contest Page, located lower left sidebar under the Feaure Links balloon. NEWS UPDATE: 8-27 At this week's BOB & DALE, they cleverly hint that we should see a second Doom Patrol Archives in "about a year." This Just In from Marvel: next year's Essentials plan looks like Punisher in April, tied to the movie, and then Spider-Man and X-Men following in the months shortly after. This is the preliminary schedule, so don't be all "you know" if things change. Also, Cory told me that Marvel Super-Heroes #14 was very much on the radar screen for Spidey Vol. 6, but due to page counts was impossible to wedge in. It would seem a likely candidate for a future Vol. 7, but we'll have to wait and see. More news on this as it develops! Nobody around here needs reminding of the amazing imagination of Jack Kirby (or the wealth created from it,) but it's nice when the world at large is tipped off to his genius. When the NY Times isn't busy sending plagiarists out to cover world events, they turn in nice profiles like THIS ONE ABOUT JACK. (Tip from Steve Utley and doesitmatter. You may need to register for NY Times online to read this.) Also, a new HC that hasn't been talked about that much around here until now is The Art of Marvel Comics Vol. 1. More about it can be read at this NEWSARAMA LINK, (tip from workingdog,) and it appears to be another Marvel HC angled to the newbie readers of the bookstore market, much like the Encyclopedias. It's mainly art from the last two years of Marvel Comics, which may or may not appeal to the typical Silver Age fan. I'll get it, though, if only to gain exposure to alot of art that I wouldn't normally see otherwise, as I only collect a few floppies every month. (Wonder how much Allred X-Statix will be in there?) By the way, I get alot of news tips and links from my message board and email inbox from readers like you! I'm gonna start crediting the good people who bring the news to me so I can bring it to you! NEWS UPDATE: 8-25 Shipping on time this week: Plastic Man Archives Vol. 5 and Spider-Man Masterworks Vol. 2 (regular and variant.) Also showing up confirmed in November's solicits for Marvel is a 10th Anniversary Marvels HC. Here's the copy: Welcome to New York City. Here, burning figures roam the streets, men in brightly colored costumes scale the glass and concrete walls, and creatures from space threaten to devour the planet. This is the world of MARVELS. Now, witness the birth of the Marvel Universe through the eyes of the proverbial man in the street - Daily Bugle photographer Phil Sheldon - in this lush hardcover collection commemorating the 10th Anniversary of one of the comic-book industry’s all-time best-selling, critically-acclaimed and fan-favorite titles. This keepsake volume features never-before-seen bonus material, including writer Kurt Busiek’s original series proposal and scripts. Sounds nifty, huh? Iron Man Masterworks has also moved to November, so there's four Masterworks that month- one a week! Check out the Hardcover release date sidebar in the lower right for up-to-date scheduling action! NEWS UPDATE: 8-23 Midtown Comics website confirms that shipping next week is Plastic Man Archives Vol. 5, NOT Silver Age Teen Titans Vol. 1. DC has pulled the switcheroo for some reason, so adjust your heart's content accordingly. Shipping on time this week: Silver Surfer Masterworks Vol. 2. So has it still sunk in we're getting a new Spider-Man Masterworks next year? Didn't think so! In trying to live in a more fair and balanced world, I have updated the Upcoming Hardcovers list in the lower right sidebar. (I know there's some trades in there, but sometimes I can't resist!) It's more fair, in that it lists a wider variety of material that reprint junkies might covet, and it's more balanced in that I've now added street dates to the list. Fair and balanced, see? Just like Al Franken! Today is "Fair and Balanced" day, and I'm just doing my part to make a better world through fairness and balance! One more thing- if you wish to join this webpage's news bulletin email list, please sign up through the email link from the Resource Links sidebar on the lower left. Get a semi-regular email notifying you of breakthroughs in the world of hardcovers and trades, as well as contest notifications- straight to your inbox! More fairness and balance! I can't be stopped!!!! NEWS UPDATE: 8-13 BIG FAT NEWS FROM WIZARDWORLD! It's now okay to announce the upcoming Essentials volumes: PUNISHER, SPIDER-MAN Vol. 5 and X-MEN Vol. 6. This means that our contest winner is SCHATZIE who tied with message boarder Blam880, but won the sweepstakes in a random drawing. Schatzie chose the Spidey and X-Men volume, but fired a blank with Sgt. Fury, which is not on the Essentials docket. NOBODY guessed Punisher! I've been leaving hints for you sorry sacks of seaweed all over the message board. Either I'm bad at hints, or you're all dumb! Maybe both...heh heh....Schatzie gets to choose the in-stock or future Essential of his choice from site sponsor Tales of Wonder, delivered to his door absolutely free! Huzzahs to Schatzie! Also, keep your eyes peeled to this space for the next contest announcement, dealing with a certain series of Archives from DC! We like those books around here, too! MMMB user Cleazer also gives the dope from Wizard World on the future Ultimates HC, which will reprint #1-13, making official the next Marvel Encyclopedia covering Spider-Man, and dropping a Marvels HC on us 'round Christmas. Finally, the next Marvel Masterworks can now be officially announced. Spider-Man Vol. 6 is going to bow sometime next year. An exact date is unknown at this point, though I hope to find out for you soon. The book will cover ASM #51-61 and Annual #4. I'm hoping to be able to release more information soon. It should be good news to those beleaguered souls that there will be a 33rd volume waiting for you next year! NEWS UPDATE: 8-6 I've received many emails asking me when the Masterworks Library page will be updated. I've been so busy, this centerpiece of the site has languished. But I promise to update it shortly. Look for two new book features to come online soon! workingdog from the MMMB tipped that Wizard Magazine is printing an exclusive "Best of the X-Men" Hardcover. It will reprint X-Men #126-128, 135-137, 141-143 and 150, plus other material. The retail price will be $29.99 plus a $5 shipping charge. This link from the Wizard sales site indicates the book is to be released on August 14. Hmmm....that's only 8 days from now. Anyways, this sounds like something Masterworks fans might find appealing. Gormuu's gonna get one! This just in: Certain people at the MMMB can't take a hint. Look for a big addition to DM's DC Reprint Thread soon (linked below left under News Links.) DC has announced a veritable ton of great TPBs and HCs for the rest of the year, including Hush Vol. 2 HC, LOEG Vol. 2 HC, America's Best Comics Collected HC, Green Arrow: Archer's Quest HC, and Tomorrow Stories Vol. 2 HC. Also, from the Collected Editions Editors Respond page, Bob G. and Dale Crain say a few things about what to expect in the future from DC, including a growth in the Archives line, balancing Silver and Gold ages, expansion into new genres, finally collecting Sandman Mystery Theater, and a couple other things. NEWS UPDATE: 8-4 I just heard from Marvel regarding the FF Masterworks variant Vol. 2/4 mixup. It was indeed a mistake, and the variant edition of FF Vol. 2 will be shipping on 8/13. That's 9 days from now. I hope nobody was put out by this, but at least most buyers got their hands on a book several months earlier than they would have! Shipping on time this week: Spirit Archives Vol. 11 and Dr. Strange Masterworks Vol. 1. I've restructured the Message Boards. There are now planks for Marvel (Masterworks, oversized HCs, TPBs, Essentials, etc.), DC Comics (Archives, Spirit and other archival books, trades, etc.), a polling central for any poll-type questions people are dying to ask, and an off-topic board where lazy me can ask questions I want to know the answer to and get questions from all you good people. Come and visit, why don't you? NEWS UPDATE: 8-2 Two new DC Archives, coming in December and January. They are Sgt. Rock Vol. 2 and Supergirl Vol. 2 respectively. Strangeness. In stores this week was the regular edition of FF Masterworks Vol. 2, reprinting FF #11-20. Obviously, it was expected that the corresponding limited edition, the Vol. 6 of the "original 32" marble covers, but that is NOT what shipped. No, what shipped is the limited edition Vol. 21, reprinting FF #31-40! This rarest of the rare of the "original 32" Masterworks has now seen the light of day in the strangest ways. I don't know exactly how this happened, but I'll do my best to find out and report it here. No matter what, though, November came early for those waiting on their limited edition of Vol. 21. Crazy! Fantastic Four Masterworks Vol. 2 is shipping on time this week! Also shipping is the Swamp Thing Vol. 6 Reunion TPB. Hidden deep beneath the waves of this interview with Jim Starlin, he mentions that the first volume of the new series of Dreadstar HCs drops in October and will reprint the first 12 issues of the series! I didn't realize the book would be that bountiful! It's Gormuu's birthday! To celebrate this auspicious occasion, I want everybody to buy Jimmy Olsen Adventures Vol. 1 TPB for themselves. Then I want you to finally (come on, you've been meaning to do it!) go to the Dark Horse boards and agitate for a hardcover of Chronicles of Conan. I'll be in Savannah, GA for a couple days, so I won't be able to read all the posts at the message board wishing me a happy B-day until I get back! Dutifully reported at the Masterworks Message Board by Highlander Ray (where the news flashes come fast and furious) comes notice of the teasers located at the Dark Horse Message Board Conan thread. Editor Jeremy Barlow mentions that the upcoming Chronicles of Conan is now going to be FOUR volumes instead of three, and cover the entirety of the run from #1-26 and Red Nails! The original plan was just to reprint the Barry Windsor-Smith issues, but due to fan demand, Dark Horse is accomodating the Gil Kane issues and the first two issues by John Buscema!!!! See what happens when you let these people know what you want? Good things happen! Dark Horse needs to be credited for accomodating the fans desires so readily. Now all we need is a HARDCOVER edition of these books. Visit the thread and let 'em know you want a HC! And congratulate them on making such a fan-friendly decision! Shipping this week: Dark Knight Archives Vol. 4 will be a week early! Also seeing publication is the Jimmy Olsen Adventures Vol. 1 TPB featuring the first half of the early 70's Jack Kirby run. I hope all you Kirby fans are lined up for that one. News out of San Diego is that on next year's DC Archives docket is Adam Strange and GA Sandman! Here's a link to a Newsarama article that spills the beans. It has been said by editors at DC that Adam Strange would kick off a series of "sci-fi" genre Archives selections. We shall see if that is true! And according to the article, it appears as if GA Sandman will be starting from the very beginning, which is encouraging to us completists out there. Yes, we want to see the Simon and Kirby stuff, but we also want to see it all! Way to go DC, this is great news! NEWS UPDATE: 7-15 Shipping on time this week: Thor Masterworks Vol. 1 and Promethea Book Four. Over on my DC Archives Message Board, Degenerate Matter revealed that October will see publication of Atom Archives Vol. 2 and All-Star Archives Vol. 9. Board user Osgood Peabody also notes a pattern of publication that possibly portends we will see 16 Archives next year! For more information on these subjects, come visit the message board, or check out DM's DC Reprint Schedule As We Know It thread, linked below on the left sidebar under News Links. The Essentials contest is closed now. A winner will be revealed at a time to be announced. Quite often, I'm doing content updates on the site, like adding to the What If? Masterworks page or adding news features or resource material like the Silver Age Timeline. When I do these things, I post about it on the Site Update page, which until now has only been linked from the front page of this site. Well, I now have it linked from this page as well. On the left of your browser, under the page banner and over the "Next Masterworks release" image is a link to the site update page. You can click on the link to get a constant briefing on when and where the site is growing! Longtime users need only bookmark the "Current News" page and you should be in tune with the site on a daily basis! I hope this makes navigating the site a little bit easier, and I aim to make a few more improvements over time. NEWS UPDATE: 7-10 I've been out of town for the Independence Day holiday, but now I'm back, and there's lots to catch up on! First, I'd like to tip you off to a contest I'm running over on the message boards. Since Marvel has announced there will be three more Essentials going into production, it's your task to guess them! The message board user with the most correct guesses gets the in-stock Essentials of their choice from Tales of Wonder! Visit the Guess the Essentials thread to try your luck! (Please read all rules before guessing, contest runs through the 12th.) Shipping on July 8 were two Masterworks! X-Men Vol. 2 is now back in print for all to enjoy, and the newly remastered Spider-Man Vol. 1 is out as well! I hope people weren't put out by the shipping snafu, but isn't two Masterworks always better than one? Of course! Next up is Thor Vol. 1, due next Wednesday. I hope all Jack Kirby fans, as well as fans of comics silver age, are enjoying Challengers of the Unknown Archives Vol. 1! This most recent volume from the DC Archives is getting rave reviews from all sides for its first foray into the pages Jack did for DC. Check out the hubbub at the "unofficial" DC Archives Message Board, hosted by yours truly. Another company that is dressing up its silver age material is Archie Comics. The Shield TPB was their first venture into collecting their inventory of super-hero comics, and according to an article at Newsarama, now we can look forward to a Mighty Crusaders TPB. It will reprint 96 pages of the 1965 comics that featured art by Paul Reinman. It is scheduled to ship November 5. Comics Contiuum reports the second volume of The Chronicles of Conan TPB is due in stores Nov. 26. The story doesn't give issue details, but it clocks in at another 160 pages, and presumably will reprint the middle 2/3 of the Barry Smith run of Conan. I didn't realize the trades would be issued within two months of each other! At this rate, all three volumes should be out by the time the new Busiek Conan comics is ready for comic shops. (And don't forget to visit the Dark Horse Message Boards, linked below in the 6/23 news update, and push for a hardcover!) The contents of the next Hulk oversized HC has been announced to be Incredible Hulk #44-54. Lastly, but not least, is news that Cory Sedlmeier is leaving Marvel's collected editions department. As he announced at the Joe Quesada message boards, he is leaving for new horizons with Marvel. After being a part of Marvel's reprint programs for many years now, Cory will be in a position to help nurture new material for Marvel's Epic imprint. This website would like to state once and for all their appreciation to Cory for being so open and helpful with making sure Masterworks fans were always in the loop with the information we needed to know! He has been instrumental in forging ahead with the seemingly impossible task of getting 32 volumes of books out to market in an 11 month period. And the remastering job on many of these books has been very welcome, and showed how much Cory appreciated the material that we all love. Good luck, Cory! Well, turns out Spider-Man Masterworks Vol. 1 did hit a snag last week. It has been rescheduled to Wednesday July 9, which is the same week X-Men Vol. 2 is supposed to ship. Until further word, expect both to ship the same day. The final batch of limited edition Masterworks have been offered for pre-order. Contact your retailer of choice before the July 7 deadline to make sure you have a copy reserved in your name! They are: Iron Man Vol. 1 (due 10/22/03) I'll have Tales of Wonder links up soon, but they have been selling out of the limiteds, so your best bet is to pre-order! Finally, DC has announced a super-cool Archives promotion. In October, they are going to be publishing World's Best Comics, a 48 page one-shot featuring Golden Age stories from a small handful of the DC Archives greatest! You'll find stories from Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Plastic Man, so you'll get a great sampling of the DC's Big 3 and Jack Cole's Quality creation, and the best yet- for only 99 cents! Yes, for less than a buck you can satiate your need for floppy GA adventures! If you aren't yet a GA Archives fan, perhaps this nominally priced sampler will be your ticket to find out what treasures lie in wait! Also inside will be a full checklist of every DC Archives printed to date, for convenient perusal. Do your part and reward DC's attempt at broadening their buying market- get a copy for yourself and a friend you think might like it! And while you're at it, encourage your retailer to stock World's Best Comics! Tell him it's a great way to establish new customers for these great books! (And who knows? If it's a big success, maybe Marvel can rip off the idea for Masterworks!) Here's the text of the DC Press Release at NEWSARAMA NEWS UPDATE: 6-23 Diamond doesn't have it on their list for this week, which has started speculation that it is off schedule or late, but I've been assured by Cory at Marvel that Spider-Man Masterworks Vol. 1 should ship on time this Wednesday the 24th. Check out this link from Newsarama featuring editor Jeremy Barlow discussing in detail the new CHRONICLES OF CONAN trade paperback series. The upshot of it is that they are committed to reprinting the first 24 issues of the early 70's Conan the Barbarian comics, and will note the response the series gets before deciding to plow on. What does this mean if you're like me and want to see all the Conan material you can get your hands on? Simple! Buy the darned things when they come out! (First volume is scheduled to ship on Sept. 17.) It's also mentioned that no hardcovers are planned, which makes it even more imperative that we rattle the cages now for them to see the light. Please check out the link I gave in the 6-22 news update to reach the Dark Horse Message Boards- speak up and tell them you want a Conan HC! Finally, the Barnes and Noble website has noted that Hulk, Spidey and Daredevil softcover Masterworks have gone out of print. I've been informed that Spidey is going back to press and will be available again soon, and judging by the response to these books, it would seem realistic to expect DD and Hulk to get reprinted again sooner rather than later. If you would like to purchase these softcover editions, please shop Barnes and Noble through the links from my site: SOFTCOVER MASTERWORKS CORNER SHOP. You can order these books, or enter the B+N site to choose any material you want to purchase, and for a limited time you can get $10 off an order of $50 or more! Just use this coupon code when checking out: BARNES3 Enjoy the savings and please enter the B+N site through my links to use the coupon. Thanks! NEWS UPDATE: 6-22 Hey Kirby fanatics! Twomorrows Publishing is selling a Graphite Edition of the Captain Victory Graphic Novel. It's reproduced from copies of Jack's uninked pencils. According to their website, this neat collectible will help fund the preservation of 4000+ pages of Kirby's pencil xerox archives. There's lots of neat bonus stuff in the book, so go to this link and BUY IT for the very reasonable price of $8 postage paid! Help support a Kirby preservation project and get a slam-bang fun book in the process! In a similar vein, Dark Horse Comics is "preserving" the first 24 issues of Conan in a series of trade paperbacks called The Chronicles of Conan. As already announced here, the trade is scheduled for release in September, but over at the Dark Horse Message Boards, editor Jeremy Barlow has seemingly amended the contents of the first trade from the previously announced Conan #1-7 and Savage Tales #1, to a straight run-through of Conan #1-8. This would seem to set the series up to cover 8 issue increments until the Barry Windsor-Smith run is completely collected. Now, there are two things us Conan fans want at this point: a hardcover version of the trade, and for Dark Horse to set their sights far, far beyond the Barry Windsor-Smith issues of Conan, and to keep on going 'til Hyperboria freezes over! It's incumbent on us to make noise NOW, or forever rest our peace! Let's give Dark Horse the confidence that we know what we want: More Conan, and More Hardcovers! Here's the thread - go register and post! We need to be a united front: DARK HORSE MESSAGE BOARDS CONAN THREAD SITE UPDATE: 6-13 Not much news to report from Marvel, except that Silver Surfer Vol. 1 is still on for next week and Cory has announced at the Quesada boards that there will be 5 new Essentials online sometime in the future. No word on what these will be or if they include the already announced Human Torch and Tomb of Dracula Essentials. But there is news at this site to report! For one thing, I've got all the sales pages now linked from the Marvel Masterworks Resource Page Corner Shop.This is the means which which I am able to pay for the webspace and message board to bring you all the goodies you Silver Age Marvel fans have now become accustomed to, so your patronage at site sponsors Amazon, Tales of Wonder and Barnes & Noble is most welcome. I have painstakingly combed through all these sites and linked to all the great collected editions like Masterworks, Archives, Essentials and many more to make it easy for you to find the stuff you want with minimal ease. The links have all been matched to ISBN's to help you wade through the sometimes lacking information at places like Amazon. There are also extensive links to Amazon Canada and UK for those of you who live in those countries. Take a look through this new section of the site and let me know what you think! The Masterworks Resource Page Corner Shop, stop on in and say hi! Also, a major centerpiece of the site to announce is the What If? Masterworks Library! Message board users GaryUK, Scarlet Spider and Gormuu (that's me!) have been working overtime to help fuel your Masterworks imaginations and speculations! This section of the site will forecast what the shape the future of Masterworks might take! So come on over and wander around. Check out the Masterworks maps and cover images of your favorite character! Day by day, we're getting more work done, so check in often for more! So there's a couple major new sections to this website. I hope you're really enjoying this site, and I promise there's more to come! NEWS UPDATE: 6-6 I am back from New York, where I got to see my sister have her first child, a bouncing baby girl named Isabella Anne. She's a real cutie pie! Many thanks for the well-wishing emails and posts at the message board! When she's old enough, I'll make sure she has a full library of Masterworks (I'll probably skimp and go the B+N route.) While I was gone, the Captain America Masterworks Vol. 1 was released (as well as Superman Archives Vol. 6!) That makes four down, twenty-eight to go! Next up? Surfer Vol. 1 in 12 days! Face front, Marvelites- the Mighty Marvel Masterworks are marching on! Speaking of which, there's some great analysis by message board denizen Scarlet Spider which you may want to check out. If you're a prospective buyer, his scans and commentary, as well as the replies of others, may help make you decide. Here is a link to one such thread, but there's more on the boards to be read by diligent perusers (take a bow, SS!) NEWS UPDATE: 5-29 Out this last Wednesday: Fantastic Four Masterworks Vol. 1, Best of Spider-Man Vol. 2 HC, and the Marvel Encyclopedia Vol. 3: Hulk HC! Go get 'em! I'll be out of town for a week to be with my sister as she delivers her first child. No, she will not be naming it Gormuu. It's going to be a girl, so she's naming it Gormette. Unfortunately, I will likely not be updating the site or posting too much on th message board for the next several days. I'm sure there will be many fine folks at the message boards that can pass along the hot news as it comes, so check out the action there when you get a chance! NEWS UPDATE: 5-26 I hope you're all having a wonderful Memorial Day holiday! Just wanted to remind you of what you already know- it wasn't Captain America and Sub-Mariner that really fought the war to end all wars! No, it was real men like your grandpa and mine. Or maybe your father. Heck, maybe even you, reading now, have fought in a military engagement on behalf of old glory and the United States. Well, I'd like to take a moment to thank you, and all the men (and now women!) who have taken up arms and risked their lives for something greater than their own. Now, on to Masterworks news! I've realized something that I need to pass on to prospective customers of the ReMasterworks. Of the 32 books being reprinted, three are carrying the same ISBN as their predecessors. Thus, it's VERY important to be aware when buying these books that you are buying the one you want! Avengers Vol. 1, X-Men Vol. 1 and Sub-Mariner Vol. 1 are these three volumes. Subby will be easy to spot, since it carries the correctly spelled "Daredevil" on the cover. The easy way to spot the remasterworks is that in the box above the cover reproduction, it will say "Marvel Masterworks," then beneath that "X-Men," then beneath that "Volume 1." On the old version, the top box gave the issue numbers and creator credits. Keep these differences in mind when shopping for these particular titles. I have listed all the ISBN numbers for the ReMasterworks limited and regular editions along with all the other changes at this link. For an idea of how the ReMasterworks front covers look, go to the Masterworks library and check out the Hulk Vol. 1. You'll see what I'm talking about. NEWS UPDATE: 5-25 I've added to the list of upcoming Marvel hardcovers. Marvel is going to be issuing several more of their oversized gems, including the following: Incredible Hulk Vol. 2, New X-Men Vol. 2, Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3, Ultimate X-Men Vol. 3, Punisher: Born, and Marvel Encyclopedia: Spider-Man. Check the list in the lower-right corner to see tentative month schedule. FF Masterworks Vol. 1 is scheduled to ship on time this week on May 28. Amazon has finally put up most all the 32 ReMasterworks for pre-order. Check out their inventory through the links available from my Masterworks sales page, located at the Masterworks library page. NEWS UPDATE: 5-23 A whole mess of Marvel Masterworks have been added for sale at Amazon UK. If you're a Brit, check it out. A couple have been added to Amazon Canada, including Captain America. Which sucks because Amazon USA doesn't have Cap in their inventory yet. How's that for being un-American? C'mon Bezos, you better start waving that flag right quick! Check out my handy dandy UK AND CANADA links list. Don't leave home without it! In perusing the stock at amazon UK, we are getting our first glimpse at the new cover images Marvel has selected for our ReMasterworks. They've made some great choices! Here's a link to a thread at the Masterworks message board that shows off most of them. My extra-special favorite is FF Vol. 5 and the new Doc Strange cover. Bee-yoo-tiful! Also, exciting news about a new series of hardcovers from Dynamic Forces that will reprint the 80's Jim Starlin Epic series Dreadstar. I really loved this as a kid, but had a tough time collecting all the issues. Now I get a big 12 issue chunk at once! Thanks, Jim Starlin! Here's Dreadstar link! Go knock yourself out! (Will this be considered for honorary Masterworks status? After all...it was published by Marvel!) Check out the nifty silver age timeline I got put together over the last few days. It's a lateral chart through the House of Ideas from FF #1 to FF #102, the fateful final Lee/Kirby issue that, to me, sounded the end of the Silver Age. I hope you dig it. It's a bird's eye view on what's entered the Masterworks canon, and what has yet to. (Come on, Ant-Man!!!) NEWS UPDATE: 5-22 The next batch of limited edition remasterworks has been announced. Contact your comics retailer of choice to order these. No deadline announced yet, but it's probably the typical ten days to two weeks we have come to expect. They include: Fantastic Four Vol. 5 and 6, Spider-Man Vol. 5, and Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 (Claremont's first book!) Order now if you want to be assured of getting a copy of the limited! (Tales of Wonder links are located from the Masterworks Library page.) Barnes and Noble have in the last few days announced two more additions to their library of softcover Masterworks. Over the next few months, we'll see the publication of Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 and Spider-Man Vol. 2. What this means to the fate of the Masterworks program as a whole remains to be seen, but there's lots of discussion on the message boards. Finally, the "easter egg" was hidden in the banner behind an image of the monster "gormuu." Clicking the image took you to the special winner's circle page. The gormuu images was on the page where Tom Brevoort's interview with Comic Book Marketplace was transcribed. This page was linked at the very bottom of the 2002 News Archive page and nowhere else, so it took some sleuthing to find it. Nowhere else, until now! You'll find that article now linked in the lower left news links list. Check that spot, by the way, as I'll be adding interesting site locales there as often as I can generate the content. WE HAVE A WINNER At 12:39 pm, Masterworks fan Bill Nolan found the "easter egg! Congrats, Bill! You have just won your choice of ReMasterworks courtesy of Tales of Wonder! See what happens when you slum around this website? For those of you who still want the challenge of finding the Easter Egg, I won't announce where it is until tomorrow. I'd like to thank everybody that participated, as well as Tales of Wonder for helping make this happen. And this won't be the last time we'll have fun like this, so keep checking in on what's happening! FREE MASTERWORKS CONTEST! Sally Struthers says: "Do you want free Masterworks? Sure! We all do!" * Thanks, Sally! Welcome to the first ever Marvel Masterworks Resource Page contest free-for-all! The winner of this contest gets absolutely free their choice of one of the regular edition ReMasterworks. (You have 32 choices, so if you can't make one, I'm sorry- there's no helping you!) Winners outside the good ol' USA will be asked to pay the S+H costs associated with delivery to your part of the world. The winner will get their Masterworks delivered to their door by the good folks at TALES OF WONDER, who provide great service with a smile, and even though you can't see smiles through mail order, you'll know that they are there! Now, what are the rules of this contest? Simple. You're on an easter egg hunt! Somewhere on this website, there is an easter egg planted. You'll know it when you see it, and the first person who sees it and is able to follow the instructions wins! It's that easy! I did try to hide this sucker as best as I could to really challenge you. I hope somebody finds it, otherwise it'll get all stinky around here! Get crackin' people!!!! * Part of dealing with Gormuu is his weird sense of humor. A No-Prize to the person who can reference this reference! SITE UPDATE: 5-16 Well, I've finally got the site update done! Take a look around, and I hope you dig it. There's still more work to be done, so keep checking back for more updates. I'll have the X-Men Vol. 1 online just like I now have the Hulk. I'll add each volume at the approximate time of release date. Also, please feel free to send in commentary for the Hulk Masterworks! I'd like to post some of your thoughts at the Hulk pages. It oughta be pretty fun hearind what ya'll have to say! Now some links are not live yet, I'm still working on them. It's taken me a long time to get this page whipped into shape, and for that I need to make special thanks to Doug Roberts (blam880 on the message boards) for his help in graphics and site design. I think he did a great job! Look forward to a page devoted to your mockups and future maps, too. Scarlet Spider has already sent me some incredible images that I hope to get posted before the end of the weekend. I hope the future Masterworks looks as good as he makes them look! And to celebrate the Marvel Masterworks Resource Page revamp, we're gonna have a contest!!! The winner of this contest will get a free Masterworks of their choice (regular silver and black edition) courtesy of site sponsor Tales of Wonder! The contest will start at NOON EASTERN TIME on Monday, so you'll want to be here then for the posting of the contest rules. NEWS UPDATE: 5-9 Hulk is out now! Hulk hit stores on Wednesday, knocking down a few walls and part of the roof when he leapt out to get away from Gen. Thunderbolt Ross and his Iceberg Rocket....okay, that's not what I mean. I mean Hulk MASTERWORKS hit stores Wednesday, and all things going the way they should, Diamond will ship out X-Men Masterworks Vol. 1 this next Wednesday. Woo to the hoo! Check the message boards for all the hubbub- and there's LOTS of hubbub! Also, there are 6 more Masterworks available for pre-order as limited editions, and the order deadline is May 15! Order before this date to guarantee your ownership of the Limited Editions you covet! I'm talking about X-Men Vol. 3, Spidey Vol. 4, Avengers Vol. 2 and 3, Daredevil Vol. 2 and Thor Vol. 2. Check out the links posted above here to buy from Tales of Wonder for a sweet discount off the list price. NEWS UPDATE: 5-2 Go see X-Men 2. Now! GO! NOW!!!!!!!!!! Well, I have gotten the first five volumes of the Barnes and Noble Masterworks. They are the remastered versions, and they look incredible. I can't wait to dig into them, and I will give a report on what the changes are like that we can expect in these books when the HC editions come out starting next month! The only real negative about these books is they seem very flimsy and will surely be prone to damage, so you must treat these with kid gloves. If you mail order them, expect them to come with a few creases at the corners or dings on the spine. If you visit a Barnes and Noble store, also expect to see ones that have been "handled" almost to death. I don't know how much of a shelf-life (literally!) we can expect from these books unless you get a mint copy and handle with extreme care. But even after kids with grimy hands rummage through these books, it still might be worth the $12.95. Marvel has given us one more Masterworks announcement, and that is Avengers Vol. 1 due in October. There probably won't be that much of a stampede for this book, but it bears mentioning. If you want to get the limited edition version, check out the link above here from Tales of Wonder. (Still waiting on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. to stock the regular issues of Masterworks!) Meanwhile, in DC Land, Archives fans will want to note the announcement of the Jimmy Olson Adventures TPB! It's got the first several reprints of Jack Kirby's tenure on Superman's Pal's comic! Unfortunately, it's not a HC, but rather an affordably priced, color trade. NEWS UPDATE: 4-6 The links to Tales of Wonder to pre-order the limited variants are now current. Pre-order now if you wanna make sure you get in on the volumes you want! If you make a phone order, tell 'em Gormuu sentcha! :) The next batch of limited edition variants have been announced. Pre-order information for Tales of Wonder is forthcoming, as is a deadline for having your pre-order. Look for it to be a relatively narrow window of time, perhaps a week to ten days from now. The next batch include: Spider Man Vol. 1 and 2, Fantastic Four Vol. 2, Silver Surfer Vol. 2 and Thor Vol. 1. Check the list above for all the currently announced books; also expect some of those dates to change. Also, for DC Archives nuts, there are a few new volumes to talk about! Coming sometime this year are Dark Knight Vol. 4, Atom Vol. 2 and the premiere volume for the Silver Age Teen Titans. Throw that in with a second volume of New Teen Titans, and it's shaping up to be a Titans kind of year! (NTT Vol. 2 may get released in '04, but it has been announced as being worked on!) Also, you may not have heard, but Superman Archives Vol. 6 is on tap as well....we love our Archives around here, too! NEWS UPDATE: 3-26 Two really big news stories for Masterworks fans. The first is a full accounting from Marvel about all the changes to be found in the new series of Masterworks debuting in May, affectionately dubbed "The ReMasterworks!" It's making me lick my chops as I read through them! Here's a link to a page devoted to this account, as well as a personal message from Cory Sedlmeier, editor of the Marvel Masterworks, to you! Click this link to read more ABOUT REMASTERWORKS! Also, for those people who are avid Amazon customers, but have had your patience stretched thin by late shipping books, there is hope for you. The reason amazon and other online e-tailers have problems supplying their books in a more timely fashion is that they have always gotten their books through traditional book distributors like Ingram and Baker & Taylor, which have always run a few weeks (or months) behind comics shops supplied by Diamond. Well, those days seem to be over, as Amazon has announced a partnership with Amazon to be supplied with all their graphic novels, collected editions, and other comics items. This should mean that books will ship out on the same day as their street date. More news on this as it develops. NEWS UPDATE: 3-19 The June solicits are in, and besides the already announced Cap and Surfer first volumes, we'll also see the newly remastered Spider-Man Vol. 1. I still await word on the totality of these remastering changes, but I will post them here as soon as I get it. This is important news and I know everybody has been patiently waiting to hear how far they need to go to build the best Masterworks collection they can. I just got in links to Tales of Wonder's pre-orders for the second batch of limited edition variant covered Marvel Masterworks. This next batch brings us up to 13 Masterworks for which variant orders are being solicited. It looks like Marvel is not giving much time to get your pre-orders in! Joe Hovorka at Tales of Wonder tells me "it looks like March 17th." That's only 5 days from today! I'll try and get definitive word on this from Marvel ASAP, but if the 17th is accurate, you don't have much time. So get your pre-orders in if you wanna take part in the limited edition party. If you don't, just bide your time until solicitations start coming in for the regular batch of Masterworks. (Should be soon!) The links to Tales of Wonder's sale is above. Hey ya'll! Wanna see something? You do? Really? Cool! Then go here and you will see something (just take a deep breath and fill your lungs with as much oxygen as you can stand!) Now that you've surfaced back for more air, here's the next batch of Masterworks that are going to get the limited edition pre-order treatment. I don't know of an order cutoff date yet, because you're getting this info even before retailers get it! Don't you feel special? Keep your eyes peeled to this site for more info about when to get your pre-orders in IF you want the limited editions. If the regular versions are your cup of tea, you can wait til the Diamond Previews solicits come out to pre-order. 1- Dr. Strange Vol. 1 Cory tells me one of the changes to the Cap volume is that all the covers will be present, accounted for, and standing at attention in the ReMasterworks version! Woo hoo! Also, read the interviews below to find out about changes to the Surfer Masterworks. More news on changes as it comes.... I've also added amazon links to many new DC Archives, like JLA Vol. 8, Legion Vol. 12, Spirit Vol. 10, and a few more DC Hardcovers. Check them out the on the Archives page! NEWS UPDATE: 2-17 Today is a great day. I'm on the other side of being sick, feeling better every day from this flu bug I've been fighting, and it's a rainy day and I'm listening to Tom Waits "Rain Dogs" so all is as it should be. Plus, I've got another installment of "Cory Stories," in which our man at Marvel (the only one that really, truly matters, right?) Cory Sedlmeier answers questions about our beloved Masterworks program. You can find it: at this link! Perhaps today you checked your email inbox and found a "Masterworks News Alert" from yours truly! This will be the first in a series of emails I will send out when there is a preponderance of big news to pass on. I generated my list from registered members of my message board. However, if you are not a registered member, but would like to receive these emails, please email me at gormuu@cox.net and I will be glad to put you on the mailing list! Conversely, if you are receiving these emails, and do not wish to, email me and I'll take you off! Don't worry, you're not going to be getting calls for vinyl siding or a great vacation package to Orlando based on this email. NEWS UPDATE: 2-14 Happy Valentine's Day! I trust you all have your tickets to see Daredevil tonight? Take the wife, girlfriend, or significant other and let's see how goofy Ben Affleck looks in that red wig he's been complaining about! I have some news from on high, straight from the editor of the Marvel Masterworks line who has been gracious enough to open a news pipeline with yours truly to benefit all the readers of this website. In talking with editor Cory Sedlmeier, I have found further clarification to set the uneasy minds of Masterworks collectors at ease. Read on at this link: Interviews with Cory If you have any questions you might like answered, feel free to email me and I'll try to get an answer. I would also like to alert users of this site to my new email address: gormuu AT cox.net. My old address will not be active much longer. NEWS UPDATE: 2-11 This is a reminder that you are on a 9 day deadline to get your pre-orders in for the first batch of Marvel Masterworks Ltd. Ed. Variant covers. Feb 20 is the cutoff date for all such pre-orders, so if you're of a mind to continue your collection of these books, I hope you've been budgeting! And now seems like a good time to make an announcement: my site has partnered with the internet's premiere retailer of collected editions, Tales of Wonder. Links to items will appear side-by-side with amazon links to provide collected edition fans some honest comparison shopping in one easy place. Both Amazon and Tales of Wonder offer great prices and customer service, but one important distinction to be made is that Tales of Wonder gets their books through Diamond, which means if you want your book NOW, you might want to give them a try. Both stores have their advantages and disadvantages, but regardless of which you choose, kindly use the links provided through this site to help defray the costs associated with running it and the message board. Thanks! As for the links to Tales of Wonder, they are selling the $54.99 Ltd. Ed. Variant Masterworks for $40.99. (I do not think Amazon will be offering these variants.) Check out their inventory through these links: X-Men: Vol. 1 Also, check back with this site daily, as I should be having alot more news about the Masterworks program. Things are heating up!!!! Stay on top of this information so you can make your purchasing decisions wisely, especially if you're going to want to go the Ltd. Ed. way....don't want to miss those deadlines! I've added links to a couple new HC volumes from Marvel. The checklist above now includes Marvel Encyclopedia: X-Men and The Official Marvel Guide To The Incredible Hulk. I guess we're gonna be filing these books by the Marvel Encyclopedia Vol. 1, which I found to be a pretty cool item from Marvel. Don't be afraid to support this site by pre-ordering through my links! :) Also, I have in my mitts from amazon T.H.U.N.D.E.R Agents Vol. 1! It's a beaut! What an obscure thing it is, I feel like I just won some sort of prize. I had no idea there was this funky company even more out of the mainstream than Charlton, producing pages by guys like Wally Wood and Steve Ditko. Let's support enterprises like this by buying them! That way we'll get more of what we crave. Are ya with me junkies?!?!?! Speaking of "more of what we crave," I've also added links to amazon's listings for Spectre Vol. 1 and the Batman: Child of Dreams HC, due in April. NEWS UPDATE: 2-6 Here's a couple op-ed pieces from ICv2's website, offering contrasting opinions on the Barnes and Noble paperback initiative. Both opinions come from retailers: Sara Gray of Comic Gallery I can appreciate the frustration of those retailers who aren't part of the softcover sales brigade (i.e. everyone but Barnes and Noble.) But these people need to be rational and understand that B+N is giving them something they can't- tons of money upfront to subsidize the printing of the books, and nationwide exposure at the hundreds of B+N and Waldenbooks stores. You don't get more "direct market" than that. As Bob Dylan sang in "Mississippi," one of the finest songs from his instant classic Love And Theft, "Stick with me baby, stick with me anyhow/Things should start to get interesting right about now." A Diamond Daily News email has made the rounds, and there's plenty of information here to take in, as well as more questions that need answering. First, the text of the email: Marvel Offers More Masterworks Variant HCs: Due to the overwhelming response to its recent solicitation of the Marvel Masterworks: Incredible Hulk Volume 1 HC (see Previews Update #556, January 15 Diamond Dateline) with a special variant dustjacket, Marvel Comics is offering six more Masterworks volumes with variant dustjackets. These six volumes -- which will collect classic stories from Fantastic Four, X-Men, The Mighty Thor, and Daredevil -- continue Marvel's initiative of having all 32 original Masterworks volumes in print and available for order within the next 11 months. Many Masterworks volumes are being completely remastered with today's highest production values to improve consumers' reading experience, and will feature a variant dustjacket featuring the line's original marble/gold foil design, giving long-time Masterworks collectors one last opportunity to complete their libraries of the original printings. Also, like the Hulk editions, each limited-edition dustjacket will feature a number indicating its print run. (In other words, if Marvel publishes 512 copies of a variant dustjacket edition, each one will carry the number "512.") The following Masterworks volumes are currently being offered: The Fantastic Four Vol. 1 (2nd Ed., 1st Prtg.) and The X-Men Vol. 1 (7th Prtg.), both scheduled to ship on 05/28/03 Please Note: The cutoff date for ordering these limited editions is February 20. So there you have it. The number stamping thing is pretty darned cool, and is one way these variant DJs will be slightly different than the original 27 DJs. Also, there's a deadline, so make sure you get your order requests in to your retailer ASAP! I'm working to find out if these are going to be offered outside the direct market, but it sure looks like they won't be. And though the Diamond email doesn't mention it, I assume these release dates will also see the simultaneous release of the regular Masterworks editions with the new silver and black trade dress. One immediate question springing from this Diamond email: Wherefore FF Vol. 2? Thor Vol. 1 and 2? Will the next block of six solicits include these missing volumes, and will they be released in sequence? This is also news I'll be trying to get a fix on. Keep checking in on this site for the full poop! Here's item codes for the variant Masterworks, make sure to get orders in by Feb 20!!!! DEC025148D4FF Vol. 1 Here's an official statement from Marvel regarding their partnership with Barnes and Noble: "It is true that Barnes & Noble is publishing five Marvel Masterwork editions in paperback format. This is an exclusive product that will not be available to other customers for several years. B&N is supporting this product in its stores, putting Graphic Novels in front of new readers in a way only the #1 retailer of books in the United State can. While we understand some Direct Market retailers might also like the opportunity to also sell the paperback version, we would hope that they understand that this is a proprietary project for B&N, and that there were no plans to produce a paperback version here at Marvel prior to this initiative.Quite to the contrary, Marvel envisions its full, long-term Masterworks format to continue to be a series of premium hardcovers, showing these classic stories in the highest quality format. In fact, this is why we have made the significant investment in time and cost to reprint - and in some cases completely remaster - the entire 32-volume Marvel Masterworks library in sufficient quantities to keep all editions in print for the next several years, and to make variant dustjackets reflecting past editions available.We were looking at an incredibly expensive and time-consuming project with a significant risk of financial failure - until Barnes & Noble agreed to purchase a sufficient quantity of the softcover edition to make the project work financially." It's nice to have something in writing (does words on your computer screen constitute writing?) from Marvel reiterating their plan for the initial 32. There remains a few questions about how this relationship will evolve over time. Will this be a venture of only 5 volumes? Or will there be more in the future? If there will be more, how long from now? My concern is still intact that this initiative will rob the Masterworks line of needed revenue that will help it sustain itself, so that we can get the rest of the FF and Thor Kirby/Lee issues, not to speak of first volumes for Captain Marvel, Nick Fury, Ant-Man and ROM. Yeah...you heard me. I said ROM. Wanna make something of it? Anyways...the above press release was cribbed from Newsarama. Check it out to see for yourself. There's a spirited discussion at this site's message board, with good points coming right and left from both sides, above and below. It's a lot to digest and can get confusing real quick-like, so jump on in and make the problem worse, won't you? HOW ABOUT SOME GOOD NEWS? Would you like your Jimmy Olsen drawn by Kirby, in full color, delivered in a two-volume set by your friends from DC Comics? Mark Evanier says it's gonna happen. Read a few words about it in the Jan 30 entry at his excellent blog-site POV Online. This site has been bad news for me ever since I stumbled onto it, as there is always something interestingly irrelevant there to take you away from the important duties of the day. NEWS UPDATE: 2-1 Another very sad day in the history of our country's space program, as there has been some sort of breakup of the Space Shuttle Columbia over Texas as it descended to land. Of course, this is all over TV right now, or you can get news on this from CNN.com. Reading a headline like "Shuttle and Crew Lost" is a cold slap in the face. I've been enthralled by too many Jack Kirby FF comics to not be impressed by mankind's imagination and innate need to discover. Godspeed to all the astronauts on board, who were doing what they had to do. Here are some links to major articles at Newsarama and ICV2. Go read them now: I'm trying to devote some time to digesting all this information before drawing any conclusions. I have my ideas but honestly don't know what to think as of yet. Visit the message boards and help stir the pot. Coooooool! Aquaman Archives has popped up on amazon's website. I'm so excited I'm gonna go jump in a lake somewhere! But before I do, I'm gonna pre-order. How about you? All of the images for Masterworks are now riding high on the new server. My next little project is to update the "What If" Masterworks to the new edition templates, since when these guys come out one day (and they WILL come out!) this is what they'll look like! Maybe. :) OK, folks, strap yourselves into your seats, cause there's some major Masterworks news to impart, and there's something for everybody. Diamond Previews will shortly have this little nugget posted on their site: MARVEL MASTERWORKS: INCREDIBLE HULK VOLUME 1 HC Shipping just in time for Universal Pictures' eagerly awaited blockbuster Hulk film, this special, brand-new printing collects Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's origin story and first adventures of Marvel's Green-skinned Goliath from Hulk #1-#6, all completely remastered utilizing state-of-the-art production techniques! Available with two Marvel Masterworks dustjacket designs: the current design (black spine with silver cover); and a limited-edition, variant dustjacket featuring the original marble/gold foil design of the Masterworks line (which gives longtime Masterworks collectors one last opportunity to complete their libraries of the original printings). Scheduled to ship 06/04/03 REG.--HC, 160pg, FC ..........$39.99 Well, Masterworks nuts? Whaddaya think? Old dustjacket AND new dustjacket! Also, a slimline price! These new reprints won't be in line with the $49.95 retail that the new volumes carry. There is no other word about more Masterworks than this Hulk edition, but gosh darn it, it's good news all by its lonesome! Stay tuned to this page and the Masterworks Message Board for more info! Fantastic Four images are all online. Look for Spidey to get his due tomorrow. SITE UPDATE: 1-11 Many may have noticed that the images for my book collection on this website have been down. I have had to change image hosting servers from a free site to a pay site. (YUCK!) The free site went out of business...so I have started the laborious task of moving images over to a whole new site, and changing the html in the website to correspond to the newly named images. I have uploaded all the cover images to the Avengers page, and will probably be doing more images in small chunks over the next few days until the site is back up to what it was a month ago. And, since I haven't said it already, to all the people who peruse this website, HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Over on the DC message boards, where the editor of collected editions is building goodwill among his constituents, Bob Greenberger has dropped a few hints and comments we here might find interesting. Among DC books coming out: 1- this spring will see JLA Archives Vol. 8 Also, in answering my requesting for him to share his thoughts on the potential of Marvel's plan to put out all Masterworks at once, he said: "Personally, I applaud Marvel's efforts to get their Masterworks back into print so they can move on to new material. Getting 25-30 volumes back into print over a few months, I suspect will tax editorial, the bullpen, the Hong Kong printers and the retailers. It's not something I would do but maybe that's why I'm not there." I was hoping he might give us some insider info that would come off like "oh yeah, it's feasible and doable!" But his comments merely confirm what seem's obvious to me from the beginning...I only hope Marvel can and does pull this off!
And here are more links to News Archives past:
All cover images are courtesy of the Silver Age Marvel Comics Cover Gallery. Website design by Doug Roberts and John Thomas. All images on this site are copyright of Marvel Comics. This site is for reference purposes and promotion of the Masterworks line of books as well as Marvel Comics and their properties. | ||