> Marvel Masterworks Library

Thor Masterworks Vol. 8
Regular Edition Cover

Vol. 112: Thor Masterworks Vol. 8
Variant Edition Cover


Marvel Masterworks: Thor Volume 8

Reprints: Thor #163-172

(Vol. 112 in the Marvel Masterworks Library)

First Print
Release Date: February 18, 2009

REGULAR EDITION ISBN: 978-0-7851-3497-8 • List Price: $54.99
VARIANT EDITION ISBN: 978-0-7851-3498-5 • List Price: $54.99

224 Pages

Collection Editor: Cory Sedlmeier

Scripted by Stan Lee

Penciled by Jack Kirby

Introduction by TBA



It’s time to take another trip up the Rainbow Bridge to fair Asgard with the greatest team comics has ever known – Stan “The Man” and Jack “King” Kirby! Their Thor epics are the peak of cosmic action and mythic adventure, and these ten adventures will show you yet again just why.

It all begins as the Mighty Thor takes a journey across time into an apocalyptic atomic future where man is now mutate, but there’s no rest upon his return because then it’s god vs. god when Thor does battles with Pluto, Lord of the Underworld! And battles aren’t the only thing you can bet on. Queen Karnilla pines for the noble Balder the Brave, while the amazing being known as “Him” (and known to discriminating Marvelites as Adam Warlock) takes the Lady Sif to be his perfect mate! (Methinks that date mayest end in fisticuffs.)

Then it’s a battle through Loki to find – and learn the amazing origin of – the one-and-only Galactus! It’s a cosmic revelation as can only be brought to you by the King of Comics! But that ain’t all! There’s a knuckle-smashing showdown with the Thermal Man, the return of the Wrecker and a heart-wrenching astral adventure featuring Thor’s former ladylove, Jane Foster.

Collecting THOR #163-172

(From official Marvel solicit)

Issues Reprinted
Thor #163-172


TH #163

TH #164

TH #165

TH #166

TH #167

TH #168

TH #169

TH #170

TH #171

TH #172


Website design by Doug Roberts and John Thomas. All images on this site are copyright of Marvel Comics. This site is for reference purposes and promotion of the Masterworks line of books as well as Marvel Comics and their properties.