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This may come as a big surprise to some of you, but not all books have pictures in them. Some books just have a whole bunch of words.

Over the years, Marvel (and DC) superheroes have made numerous appearances in various novels, and can still be found today sitting right next to Arthur Clarke and Tolkein in the bookstores. This isn't a unique phenomenon. "Media tie-in" novels have been popular for years, with the two most famous lines probably being the extensive libraries of Star Trek novels Star Wars novels.

This page will attempt to chronicle the vast extent of superhero fiction over the years. In the late 60's, the very first Marvel novels appeared, including an Avengers novel and a Captain America novel. In 1978-79, Marvel's heroes made a brief return to prose fiction, with 11 books showing up in that brief span, featuring autors including David Michelinie, Len Wein, and Marv Wolfman.

Once again, Marvel novels went on hiatus, but when they returned, they came back in a big way. Starting in 1994, a new series of Marvel novels was started, and by the time they were done, they had added FIFTY new works of fiction to the Marvel Universe. Since 2000, Marvel fiction has been somewhat scarce and has come out at irregular intervals. Frankly, it seems as if novelizations of all the Marvel movies have been the main additions.

However, starting this year (2005), a new publishing initiative has begun, which promises to once again add to Marvel's literary depth.

NOTE: This list will focus on the "adult" fiction for now, so none of the children's books will be included. (Mary Jane made the cut, anything below that level didn't.)

-- by Cleazer

HEY FOLKS: Check out THIS INTERVIEW with veteran Marvel novel scribe Keith R.A. DeCandido, where he sits down with this website's very own Chris Leazer!

....yer pal in comix, Gormuu!


Upcoming Marvel Books

Spider-Man: Down These Mean Streets (8/30/05)
by Keith R. A. DeCandido

Weapon X (mmpb reprint) (11/1/05)
by Marc Cerasini

X-Men: Dark Mirror (12/27/05)
by Marjorie M. Liu

Ultimates: Tomorrow Men (3/06)
by Michael Jan Friedman

Release order for Marvel Books
-release dates may be off by a little, since books don't always come out at the same time in every location

The Avengers Battle the Earth Wrecker (1967)
  ~Otto Binder
Captain America: The Great Gold Steal (1968)
  ~Ted White
Spider-Man: Mayhem in Manhattan (1978)
  ~Len Wein & Marv Wolfman
The Incredible Hulk: Stalker from the Stars (1978)
  ~Len Wein, Marv Wolfman, & Joseph Silva
The Incredible Hulk: Cry of the Beast (1978)
  ~Richard Meyers
Captain America: Holocaust for Hire (1978)
  ~Joseph Silva
Fantastic Four: Doomsday (1979)
  ~Marv Wolfman
Iron Man: And Call My Killer...Modok! (1979)
  ~William Rotsler
Doctor Strange: Nightmare (1979)
  ~William Rotsler
Spider-Man: Crime Campaign (1979)
  ~Paul Kupperberg
The Marvel Super-Heroes (1979)
  ~Len Wein & Marv Wolfman, editors
The Avengers: The Man Who Stole Tomorrow (1979)
  ~David Michelinie
Spider-Man & The Incredible Hulk: Murdermoon (1979)
  ~Paul Kupperberg
Spider-Man: The Venom Factor (10/94)
  ~Diane Duane
The Ultimate Spider-Man (12/94)
  ~Stan Lee, editor
Iron Man: The Armor Trap (7/95)
  ~Greg Cox
Spider-Man: Carnage In New York (8/95)
  ~David Michelinie & Dean Wesley Smith
Incredible Hulk: What Savage Beast (9/95)
  ~Peter David
Spider-Man: The Lizard Sanction (10/95)
  ~Diane Duane
The Ultimate Silver Surfer (11/95)
  ~Stan Lee, editor
Fantastic Four: To Free Atlantis (12/95)
  ~Nancy A. Collins
Daredevil: Predator's Smile (4/96)
  ~Christopher Golden
X-Men: Mutant Empire Book 1: Seige (5/96)
  ~Christopher Golden
The Ultimate Super-Villains (8/96)
  ~Stan Lee, editor
Spider-Man & the Incredible Hulk: Doom's Day Book 1: Rampage (9/96)
  ~Danny Fingeroth & Eric Fein
Spider-Man: Goblin's Revenge (10/96)
  ~Dean Wesley Smith
The Ultimate X-Men (10/96)
  ~Stan Lee, editor
Spider-Man: The Octopus Agenda (10/96)
  ~Diane Duane
X-Men: Mutant Empire Book 2: Sanctuary (11/96)
  ~Christopher Golden
Iron Man: Operation A.I.M. (12/96)
  ~Greg Cox
Spider-Man & Iron Man: Doom's Day Book 2: Sabotage (3/97)
  ~Pierce Askegren & Danny Fingeroth
X-Men: Mutant Empire Book 3: Salvation (5/97)
  ~Christopher Golden
Generation X (6/97)
  ~Scott Lobdell & Elliot S! Maggin
Fantastic Four: Redemption of the Silver Surfer (6/97)
  ~Michael Jan Friedman
Incredible Hulk: Abominations (7/97)
  ~Jason Henderson
X-Men: Smoke and Mirrors (9/97)
  ~Eluki Bes Shahar
Untold Tales Of Spider-Man (10/97)
  ~Stan Lee & Kurt Busiek, editors
X-Men: Empire's End (11/97)
  ~Diane Duane
Spider-Man & Fantastic Four: Doom's Day Book 3: Wreckage (11/97)
  ~Eric Fein & Pierce Askegren
X-Men: The Jewels of Cyttorak (12/97)
  ~Dean Wesley Smith
Spider-Man: Valley of the Lizard (2/98)
  ~John Vornholt
X-Men: Law of the Jungle (3/98)
  ~Dave Smeds
Star Trek TNG/X-Men: Planet X (5/98)
  ~Michael Jan Friedman
Spider-Man: Wanted: Dead or Alive (5/98)
  ~Craig Shaw Gardner
X-Men: Prisoner X (5/98)
  ~Ann Nocenti
Fantastic Four: Countdown To Chaos (6/98)
  ~Pierce Askegren
X-Men & Spider-Man: Time's Arrow Book 1: The Past (7/98)
  ~Tom DeFalco & Jason Henderson
Blade movie novelization (8/98)
  ~Mel Odom
X-Men & Spider-Man: Time's Arrow Book 2: The Present (8/98)
  ~Tom DeFalco & Adam-Troy Castro
X-Men & Spider-Man: Time's Arrow Book 3: The Future (9/98)
  ~Tom DeFalco & Eluki Bes Shahar
Spider-Man: Venom's Wrath (10/98)
  ~Keith R.A. DeCandido & Jose R. Nieto
The Ultimate Hulk (10/98)
  ~Stan Lee & Peter David, editors
X-Men: Codename Wolverine (10/98)
  ~Christopher Golden
Generation X: Crossroads (11/98)
  ~J. Steven York
Captain America: Liberty's Torch (12/98)
  ~Tony Isabella & Bob Ingersoll
The Avengers & the Thunderbolts (1/99)
  ~Pierce Askegren
X-Men: Soul Killer (2/99)
  ~Richard Lee Byers
Spider-Man: The Gathering of the Sinister Six (3/99)
  ~Adam-Troy Castro
Daredevil: The Cutting Edge (6/99)
  ~Madeleine E. Robins
X-Men & the Avengers: Gamma Quest Book 1: Lost and Found (7/99)
  ~Greg Cox
Spider-Man: Goblin Moon (7/99)
  ~Kurt Busiek & Nathan Archer
X-Men & the Avengers: Gamma Quest Book 2: Search and Rescue (8/99)
  ~Greg Cox
X-Men & the Avengers: Gamma Quest Book 3: Friend or Foe? (6/00)
  ~Greg Cox
X-Men Legends (6/00)
  ~Stan Lee, editor
X-Men: Shadows of the Past (6/00)
  ~Michael Jan Friedman
X-Men movie novelization (6/6/00)
  ~Kristine Kathryn Rusch & Dean Wesley Smith
X-Men: Chaos Engine Book 1: Doctor Doom (7/00)
  ~Steven A. Roman
Nick Fury, Agent Of SHIELD: Empyre (8/00)
  ~Will Murray
Science of the X-Men (8/00)
  ~Link Yaco & Karen Haber
Generation X: Genogoths (9/00)
  ~J. Steven York
Spider-Man: Emerald Mystery (10/00)
  ~Dean Wesley Smith
Spider-Man: Revenge of the Sinister Six (7/01)
  ~Adam-Troy Castro
X-Men: Chaos Engine Book 2: Magneto (1/02)
  ~Steven A. Roman
X-Men: Five Decades of the X-men (3/5/02)
  ~Stan Lee, editor
Spider-Man: Secret of the Sinister Six (3/19/02)
  ~Adam-Troy Castro
Spider-Man movie novelization (3/19/02)
  ~Peter David
X-Men: Legacy Quest Book 1 (6/4/02)
  ~Steve Lyons
X-Men: Legacy Quest Book 2 (7/30/02)
  ~Steve Lyons
X-Men: Legacy Quest Book 3 (10/22/02)
  ~Steve Lyons
Daredevil movie novelization (12/1/02)
  ~Greg Cox
X-Men: Chaos Engine Book 3: Red Skull (12/10/02)
  ~Steven A. Roman
X-Men 2 movie novelization (3/4/03)
  ~Chris Claremont
Hulk movie novelization (4/29/03)
  ~Peter David
Mary Jane HC (6/11/03)
  ~Judith O'Brien
Punisher movie novelization (3/2/04)
  ~D. A. Stern
Spider-Man 2 movie novelization (5/25/04)
  ~Peter David
Mary Jane 2 HC (6/30/04)
  ~Judith O'Brien
Blade: Trinity movie novelization (11/1/04)
  ~Natasha Rhodes
Weapon X HC (10/27/04)
  ~Marc Cerasini
Elektra movie novelization (1/1/05)
  ~Yvonne Navarro
Fantastic Four movie novelization (5/24/05)
  ~Peter David
Fantastic Four: War Zone (7/26/05)
  ~Greg Cox

Reprints, compilations:
Spider-Man: The Venom Factor mmpb (11/95)
The Ultimate Spider-Man mmpb (2/96)
Incredible Hulk: What Savage Beast mmpb (7/96)
Spider-Man: The Lizard Sanction mmpb (8/96)
Spider-Man: The Octopus Agenda mmpb (8/97)
The Ultimate Silver Surfer mmpb (10/97)
Fantastic Four: Redemption of the Silver Surfer mmpb (4/98)
X-Men: Empire's End mmpb (9/98)
Spider-Man: Wanted: Dead or Alive mmpb (4/99)
X-Men: Mutant Empire Trilogy (5/99)
X-Men: Codename Wolverine mmpb (5/00)
Science of the X-Men sc (10/2/01)
Spider-Man: Revenge of the Sinister Six mmpb (4/2/02)
Spider-Man: Secret of the Sinister Six mmpb (2/25/03)
X-Men: Five Decades of the X-men mmpb (4/1/03)
X-Men: Legacy Quest Book 1 mmpb (4/1/03)
X-Men: Chaos Engine Book 3: Red Skull mmpb (10/28/03)
Spider-Man: The Sinister Six Combo (5/25/04)
X-Men: The Chaos Engine Trilogy (10/26/04)
X-Men: The Legacy Quest Trilogy (11/30/04)

You are visitor # 383
60's 70's 70's

The Avengers Battle the Earth Wrecker
Captain America: The Great Gold Steal

1. Spider-Man: Mayhem in Manhattan
2. The Incredible Hulk: Stalker from the Stars
3. The Incredible Hulk: Cry of the Beast
4. Captain America: Holocaust for Hire
5. Fantastic Four: Doomsday
6. Iron Man: And Call My Killer...Modok!


7. Doctor Strange: Nightmare
8. Spider-Man: Crime Campaign
9. The Marvel Super-Heroes
10. The Avengers: The Man Who Stole Tomorrow
11. Spider-Man & The Incredible Hulk: Murdermoon
Spider-Man Spider-Man Anthologies

The Venom Factor
Carnage In New York
The Lizard Sanction
Goblin's Revenge
The Octopus Agenda
Valley Of The Lizard

Wanted: Dead Or Alive
Venom's Wrath
The Gathering Of The Sinister Six
Goblin Moon
Emerald Mystery

The Ultimate Spider-Man
The Ultimate Silver Surfer
The Ultimate Super-Villains
The Ultimate X-Men
Untold Tales Of Spider-Man
The Ultimate Hulk
X-Men Legends


Iron Man Incredible Hulk Fantastic Four

The Armor Trap
Operation A.I.M.

What Savage Beast

To Free Atlantis
Redemption Of The Silver Surfer
Countdown To Chaos


Daredevil X-Men X-Men

Predator's Smile
The Cutting Edge

Mutant Empire 1: Siege
Mutant Empire 2: Sanctuary
Mutant Empire 3: Salvation
Smoke And Mirrors
Empire's End


The Jewels Of Cyttorak
Law Of The Jungle
Prisoner X
Codename Wolverine
Soul Killer
Doom's Day Generation X X-Men & Spider-Man: Time's Arrow

1: Spider-Man & The Incredible Hulk: Rampage
2: Spider-Man & Iron Man: Sabotage
3: Spider-Man & Fantastic Four: Wreckage


Generation X

1: The Past
2: The Present
3: The Future
X-Men & Avengers: Gamma Quest Other Heroes X-Men/Star Trek

1: Lost And Found
2: Search And Rescue
3: Friend Or Foe?

Captain America: Liberty's Torch
The Avengers & The Thunderbolts
Nick Fury, Agent Of SHIELD: Empyre


Planet X
Spider-Man 2001-02 X-Men 2000-2002 Movie Novelizations

The Revenge Of The Sinister Six
Secret Of The Sinister Six
The Sinister Six COMBO

Shadows Of The Past
Chaos Engine 1: Doctor Doom
Science Of The X-Men
Chaos Engine 2: Magneto
Five Decades Of The X-Men
The Legacy Quest Book 1
The Legacy Quest Book 2
The Legacy Quest Book 3
Chaos Engine 3: Red Skull
The Chaos Engine Trilogy
Legacy Quest Trilogy Omnibus


X-Men 2
Movie Novelizations Mary Jane Fantastic Four

Spider-Man 2
Blade: Trinity
Fantastic Four


Mary Jane 1
Mary Jane 2

War Zone
Spider-Man X-Men Ultimates

Down These Mean Streets

Weapon X HC
Weapon X MMPB
Dark Mirror

Tomorrow Men

Website design by Doug Roberts and John Thomas. All images on this site are copyright of Marvel Comics. This site is for reference purposes and promotion of the Masterworks line of books as well as Marvel Comics and their properties.